The National Institute of Statistics approved the amendments in its budget to implement the abolition of the mandate

The National Institute of Statistics approved the amendments in its budget to implement the abolition of the mandate

General Executive Council of National Electoral Institute (INE) approved to reduce Institutional Project Portfolio, and that is income For members of local and regional councils, obtaining documents and materials, issuing the nominal list of voters with a photograph, as well as running observation tables to verify the authenticity of signature records through the mobile application; in order to achieve revocation of the mandate summoned by the president Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO).

Through a statement, the head of the institute said, Lorenzo Cordova He stressed that organizing the cancellation of the mandate “means doing what the National Elections Institute knows how to do, but in unprecedented times.”

“This institution is given only Only three months, and now it will be Even less because of different decisions and decisions which have been modified to perform an unprecedented exercise in the country,” emphasized Cordova Vianello.

Photo: quartoscuro
Photo: quartoscuro

For this reason it was considered “natural” to make decisions beyond original planning, “as it is colloquially said to kill a horse, and This is not the result of poor planningIt is the product of the new shape design that continues as if it were a choice but is different in many ways; First of all, the times when it should be regulated,” he explained.

In an extraordinary session, the Executive Secretary, Edmundo Jacopo Molina mention it though There is still uncertainty Upon completion of the assignment, Because the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN) needs to pronounce at the bottom of the Determine the resources available to the National Electoral InstituteWork is underway to comply with the strategy of the plan and evaluation with the resources available to the Institute.

“In this context of uncertainty in which we are still operating, the activities that need to be undertaken are launched and funded,” he said, for example, the inauguration of 32 local councils on January 3 and the 300 district councils in the coming period. January 10.


When certainty about how we are going to operate becomes certain, it is certain that some of these projects will need to inject new resources or cancel some activities.; But at the moment, with the time horizon that we have, it is important that this collective body, which is the body authorized to do this, opens the projects and finances at least with the resources that are expected to be used in the coming days. And so as not to delay everything we are obligated to do with regard to the practice of canceling the mandate.”

General Executive Council Approved modifications for specific projects Such as the intensive annual campaign to update the electoral register. Issuance of the nominal list of voters with a photo of the termination of the mandate; Appointing personnel who will support the verification activities of citizen support companies that support the exercise, provided in physical forms, so that the deadlines stipulated by law can be met, as well as operating monitoring offices to verify the authenticity of citizen signature records transmitted via the mobile application and giving assurances to the public for the promoters.

Photo: quartoscuro
Photo: quartoscuro

Likewise, the acquisition of electoral documents and materials with security elements is approved for this exercise; establishment and operation of the local and county councils of the Institute, in which the operating time and amount of financial support for the local and county councils are reduced; Relevant activities in connection with the incorporation of polling boards, recruitment and reassignment of electoral supervisors and trainers in 32 entities in the Republic of Mexico, as well as computer systems and services and trainings to be implemented for their operation.

It should be noted that the House of Representatives approved a Reducing the budget of the National Institute of Statistics by 4,913 million pesos for the fiscal year 2022, the largest modification in its history.

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