The police do not accept an apology from Sandra Cuevas; You have to apologize again

The police do not accept an apology from Sandra Cuevas;  You have to apologize again

The Associate Police Officers who denounced the mayor of Cuauhtémoc, Sandra Cuevas, for the abuse of power, theft and discrimination, They did not accept the official’s public apology Considering that it was not implemented correctly.

“For the affected police officers, the mayor’s statements to the media outside the North Prison do not come close to a public apology because she only referred to them without their name or affiliation, which would explain Hostility maintained by a public servant towards their people,” State Prosecution spokesperson Ulysses Lara Lopez stated.

Read: ‘It feels like dirty justice’: Sheinbaum slams Sandra Cuevas’ apology to the police

The aggrieved consider that the public servant must provide an apology with the corresponding instructions, otherwise the conditional suspension can be rescinded, and with it precautionary measures, such as the temporary suspension of her position, can be activated.

The Prosecution spokesperson stated that next Tuesday, March 29, it will be clarified at a new hearing that the public apology was not made in the specific conditions based on the protocols established by the National Commission on Human Rights (CNDH) and the Inter-American Commission. . of Human Rights (IACHR).

Ulysses Lara noted that an apology must include “a solemn, serious and public acknowledgment that the accused has committed violations of his or her own human rights against police officers, causing serious and irreparable harm, by which a public apology reflects recognition of the actions.” committed in the past, because it describes what has been learned and what must be done to avoid such events and thus guarantee the right not to be repeated.”

The Capital Prosecution reported that a settlement agreement In the process between Sandra Cuevas and the affected police officers who considered paying for a radio transmitter and a cell phone, as well as economic compensation of 30,000 pesos for each of the victims, before Monday, March 28.

In addition, the woman responsible must undergo, for a period of six months, psychological treatment and make a public apology to the leaders who denounced her order.

Although Cuevas offered this apology, he denied committing any assault or greater indifference.

“I also sincerely apologize to Eduardo, Faustino and Marco, if they consider it harm,” he said outside the prison where the hearing was held.

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