The Pope’s Angels: “The Word is the beacon that guides the combined path that began in the Church”

The Pope’s Angels: “The Word is the beacon that guides the combined path that began in the Church”

At the time of the Angels’ Prayer and on the occasion of the Sunday celebration of the Word of God, the Holy Father encouraged priests and believers to preach the Gospel that touches the soul and lives of people, avoiding the risks they might be exposed to. The teachings “remain general and abstract”. The Pope also urged everyone to read a passage of the Word every day, which is “the beacon that guides the combined path that began in the Church.”

Sophia Lobos – Vatican

On January 23, after presiding over the liturgy on the occasion of the celebration of the Sunday of the Word of God; Pope Francis prayed the Angel Marian Prayer at noon in Rome, leaning out of the window of the Vatican’s Apostolic Palace.

In the presence of the faithful and pilgrims gathered in St. Peter’s Square, the Pope reflects on today’s Mass, which presents us with the moment when Jesus opened his preaching, which received popular attention (cf. M 4.14-21).

“He went to Nazareth where he had grown up, and participated in prayer in the Jewish synagogue, so he rose to read, and in the book of the prophet Isaiah, he found the passage about Christ, proclaiming a message of consolation and liberation. To the poor and persecuted (Is. 61, 1-2)”, Francis explained, emphasizing that, as the Gospel of Luke says, “all eyes were on him.”

Jesus the anointed preaches

In his address the Holy Father emphasized that the first word in Jesus’ preaching in the Gospel of Luke is “today,” a phrase that “crosses all ages and is always valid”:

“Isaiah’s prophecy went back centuries, but Jesus, by the power of the Spirit (v. 14), made it present and, above all, made it come true.” pointed out.

The second point emphasized by the Bishop of Rome is the admiration with which the countrymen of Jesus receive his words:

“Even if they are overshadowed by prejudice, they don’t believe it Follow Francis. They realize that his teaching is different from that of other teachers: they sense that there is more in Jesus: the anointing of the Holy Spirit.

Sermons do not “sleep the soul”

In this sense, the Pope warned against the danger of making our evangelism and our teachings “general and abstract,” without affecting the spirit and life of the people:

And many sermons – and I say them respectfully but with pain – are abstract sermons, and instead of awakening the soul they put it to sleep. When believers begin to look at the clock – “When will this end?” – They sleep soul. Evangelism carries this risk: without the anointing of the spirit the Word of God is corrupted, it falls into morality or abstract concepts. It presents the gospel with impartiality, as if it were out of date, and out of touch with reality. And that’s not the way.”

But why does this happen? For Pope, the answer is simple:

“For they lack the strength of this day, what ‘Jesus fills their meaning’ with the power of the Spirit. Impeccable conferences are audible, well-built speeches, but they do not move the heart, and so everything remains as before. Evangelism bears this risk: without the anointing of the Spirit: The word of God is corrupted, it falls into morals and abstract concepts. The Bible is presented detachedly, as if it were outdated, and far from reality.”

For this Francis adds.He who preaches is the first to experience “Jesus today,” so that he can pass it on to others today.

Pope: “Thank you to all evangelists”

Similarly, in the framework of the Sunday Word of God, the Holy Father thanked all the preachers and proclaimers of the Gospel:

“Let us pray for them, so that they may live today Jesus, the sweet power of his spirit that makes the Holy Bible alive. The word of God is, in fact, living and effective (cf. Heb. 4, 12), it changes us, it enters our affairs, it enlightens our daily life, it strengthens and arranges us. Let us remember: the word turns any day into a day when God speaks to us.

In this context, Francis called the faithful to take the Gospel at hand and calmly read or reread a small passage each day:

“In time we will discover that these words were made on purpose for us and our lives. They will help us to welcome each day with a better and calmer appearance, because when the gospel enters the day, it fills it with God”

Finally, the Pope suggested reading the Gospel of Luke every day, the “Gospel of Mercy,” which in this liturgical year is announced on Sundays: “Let’s get acquainted with the Gospel, it brings us the newness and joy of God!” , he added.

The beacon guiding the synodal path

The successor of Peter concluded by emphasizing that the word of God is also “The Lighthouse That Guides the Synodal Path” It started around the church.

“As we commit to listening to one another, with interest and discernment, let us listen together to the Word of God and the Holy Spirit. May Our Lady grant us the perseverance to nourish ourselves each day with the Gospel.”, confirmed.

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