The Science Ministry’s plan to regulate artificial intelligence in Chile

The Science Ministry’s plan to regulate artificial intelligence in Chile

Just a year ago, it was a Ministry of Science Provided technology, knowledge and innovation National policy on artificial intelligencea document that contains strategic guidelines for the next ten years that aim to enable people to use and develop Artificial intelligence (AI). We are 70 posts Grouped in three themes: enabling factors, the use and development of AI in Chile, and ethical and security aspects.

with this document, Chile is one of 60 countries today developing policy initiatives in this area.

Currently, According to Undersecretary Carolina Ginzait is necessary to broaden and deepen it to move towards a just digital transition, based on respect for human rights, with environmental sustainability and where access to digital technologies and literacy and appropriation in society are promoted.

Last week, Gainza was in Praguethe capital of the Czech Republic, and participate in Global AI Ethics Forum Organized by the Czech Republic and UNESCO. There, he revealed part of the problems and changes that this ministry wants to make.

Undersecretary, in red, along with other attendees at the forum held in Prague. Photo: Ministry of Science

“The Global Forum has allowed us to reflect and reflect with other authorities on how we can work to develop artificial intelligence that complies, not only with ethical standards, but also guided by a social justice perspective, a rights approach that has social and cultural considerations.”

Regarding the current challenges facing Chile, Gainza said that one of them is to enable people to use these technologies and regulate the growing impact of artificial intelligence in their daily lives. “Artificial intelligence is a powerful tool with potential to benefit and transforming many sectors, including education, healthcare, and the economy, but the primary focus must be on regulating the ethical, social, and cultural implications of these emerging technologies. Issues such as: work automation, data identification and privacy, digital literacy and fake news are some of the major challenges that Chile is facing now and will be increasingly important in the near future.”

According to the sociologist, artificial intelligence can bring many benefits, but if it is not properly organized, it is not without risks. Any? There are risks associated with security, privacy, transparency, and concentration of power or bias in algorithms. It is imperative that the development of artificial intelligence be accompanied by social justice perspectives, rights approaches, and social and environmental sustainability.”

He stresses that over the next few years, the current policy must continue to be renewed and adapted to changes.

During the development of the AI ​​policy in Chile, The lack of indicators has been identified And data at the regional level, which directly affect the development of public policies. In order to enhance the government’s capabilities to operate efficiently and properly regulate AI technologies, an index is being developed that measures the region’s performance based on multiple aspects of AI. The index is constructed from a Latin American perspective, demonstrating the current state of the art and practice of AI in Latin America and the Caribbean, and our ministry acts as a technical counterpart.”

Undersecretary Carolina Ginza.

In this index who heads Chile’s National Center for Artificial Intelligence Research (Cenia from the Catholic University), in addition to our country, Argentina, Peru, Uruguay, Colombia, Brazil, Mexico, Ecuador, Bolivia, Paraguay, Costa Rica and Panama are participating.

The other area in which the Ministry of Science is already working is project Moral algorithmsresponsible and transparent, an initiative unprecedented in Chile, spearheaded by the Adolfo Ibáñez University (UAI) thanks to funding from IDB Lab, the innovation laboratory of the IDB Group and which seeks to promote ethical data management in both the public sector and the private world.

It is a public-private alliance in which to be Chile compraThe The General Secretariat of the Presidency of the Ministry, the Transparency Council, Fonasa, the Office of the Criminal Prosecutor (DPP), the Welfare Institute and Magical, an accelerator specializing in digital startups. The Ministry of Science is part of the technical council for this project.

Finally, Undersecretary Ginza said that in order to have a successful governance model for AI, you must adhere to more than just the government. Also, there must be civic, industrial and academic commitment, so all these sectors are invited to participate in policy reflection and action plan.

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