The Supreme Court is investigating Bolsonaro for linking the COVID-19 vaccine to AIDS

The Supreme Court is investigating Bolsonaro for linking the COVID-19 vaccine to AIDS

The The Supreme Court of Brazil decided to open a new search against him President Jair Bolsonaroto breed fake news, then in broadcast live Make sure that the people who are Vaccination against COVID-19 Develop page.

The decision was made by the judge Alexandre de Moraes, in response to a request by a Senate committee that accused Bolsonaro of “crimes against humanity” and other crimes, due to his erratic administration in the face of the COVID pandemic.

The controversial remarks of the far-right leader came on October 21 during the president’s weekly live broadcast social networks And it was removed from portals like Facebook social networking siteAnd Youtube NS InstagramTo spread false news after the denial of specialists Bolsonaro.

In the broadcast, the far-right leader cited alleged reports of British government, according to which some people vaccinated against COVID-19 were diagnosed with AIDS, to justify their anti-vaccination stance.

“Official reports of UK government It indicates that those fully vaccinated develop AIDS 15 days after the second dose. Read this news. “I will not read it here because I may have problems with the live broadcast,” the Brazilian president said at the time.

Judge de Moraes argued in the decision that it was necessary Investigation The relationship between fake news issued by the far-right leader and the actions of an alleged criminal organization has already been investigated by the Supreme Court for spreading hoaxes and attacks against democracy on the Internet.

In the operation that follows against that organization, allies Bolsonaro And the president himself is being investigated “to determine whether he contributed, illegally, to the dissemination of false news about the conduct of members of the Supreme Court and against the voting system in Brazil.”

“There is no doubt that the behaviors denounced by the President of the Republic Republic, meaning spreading fraudulent news about vaccination against COVID-19, they use The method of work of the charts Definition of On a large scale in social networks, it is necessary to adopt measures that clarify the facts investigated, especially in light of the presence of a criminal organization, ”the judge noted.

statements Bolsonaro He led the Senate committee that investigated him and accused him of his efforts to combat COVID-19 to demand that the president be suspended from social networks To prevent you from continuing to tell lies.

With information from EFE

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