The United States: An Encouraging Immigration Shift in the United States Opinion

The United States: An Encouraging Immigration Shift in the United States  Opinion
Demonstration in favor of the “ Dreamers ” before the Supreme Court in 2019.Saul Loeb / Agence France-Presse

President Joe Biden’s electoral promise to overhaul the US immigration system once he takes office, materialized this week in a legislative bill presented to Congress. The Democrats are addressing this urgent issue with a very ambitious initiative that touches on all sides of the problem, fossilized for decades despite multiple attempts by both sides. A long and uncertain legislative journey awaits this immigration reform, but at least it promises that the United States will have an all-encompassing debate – in institutions and in society – about the immigration system after four years of Twitter hysteria, mess at borders and some episodes of very low moral significance.

The most ambitious point is to settle the legal status within eight years of the nearly 11 million illegal immigrants estimated to live in the country, a huge number that has accumulated since Ronald Reagan’s amnesty decree in 1986. After passing exams, basic information and paying taxes, something as Lots of people do, they will be able to apply for a residence permit and then nationalize. Calculates the Pew Center About 7.6 million of these work without documentation. Two-thirds of them have been in the American nation for more than a decade. More than half of them live and work in the six states that make up America’s economic engine, not by accident. By this measure, Biden understands the realities of the country and the Democrats are well acquitting their Latino voters.

The project systematically breaks down all of Donald Trump’s anti-immigration policy piece by piece, from solving the visa issue to rational handling of borders. In addition, it includes an attempt to mitigate the causes of irregular migration, which today has mainly migrated to Central America. Democrats are proposing to invest up to $ 4 billion in Central American countries to alleviate the desperate flight of their residents. It is very positive that the United States recognizes that immigration is not a problem that arises automatically on its southern border.

Lack of support A priori Republican congressmen do not bode well. The electoral polarization and fear of the extreme Republican wing, which corrupted the 2013 two-party plan, has only grown worse. The more than certain Republican blockade in the Senate means that Democrats are already considering alternatives.

But whether the plan was approved in whole or in part, the important thing is that the Biden administration buried within a month of Trump’s paranoia in which miserable families seeking asylum at the border were portrayed as barbarians, an invading criminal. Thus medieval advances were justified, such as building walls in the middle of the desert, confining immigrants indefinitely, or snatching their children from their hands until others stop the journey out of sheer terror. Along the way, the White House humiliated Central American countries and poisoned relations with Mexico. After this experience, inspired by intolerant and unconvincing racism, bringing the debate about immigration back into reality and looking into the eyes of the people is hopeful in itself.

Editing | Mars and our species

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