The United States expresses its concern about Russia’s interests in Colombia

The United States expresses its concern about Russia’s interests in Colombia
US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken testifies before the House Foreign Affairs Committee about the Biden Administration’s priorities for US foreign policy on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC, on March 10, 2021. Ken Sedno / Paul via Reuters

United States Secretary of State, Anthony BlinkHe stressed, Wednesday, March 10, that one of the priorities of the new president of that country, Joe Biden, is Addressing the presence of Russian agents in Latin America, starting with Colombia.

According to the statements made by the American official during the meeting of the Foreign Affairs Committee in the US House of Representatives, his country “Devoting more attention, more time and resources to countering the growing Russian influence in Latin America. “

The statements came in response to the intervention of Democratic Representative Albio Ceres, who said so The Eurasian country will try to destabilize the political environment in countries like Colombia Via Venezuela, one of its main allies in the region.

What worries me in Venezuela is that Russia seems to be more and more committed to Venezuela, and I think they are trying … No, I don’t think so: I know that they are trying to destabilize the region. I spoke with the Colombian ambassador. In 2019, Russia sent about 6,000 people to Colombia, which expelled three Russians. ”

News under development …

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