The United States warned Venezuela that it would “take action” if agreements concluded with the opposition were violated

The United States warned Venezuela that it would “take action” if agreements concluded with the opposition were violated

Madrid, October 30 (European Press) –

The North American State Department warned on Monday that the United States “will take action” if Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro fails to adhere to the terms of an agreement reached with the opposition in Barbados.

“We urge Nicolas Maduro and his representatives to maintain the commitments they made when signing the political roadmap agreement in Barbados,” the spokesman said in statements to Colombian television NTN24.

“The opposition’s democratic primaries on October 22 were an important milestone in Venezuela’s progress toward a free, fair, and competitive 2024 presidential campaign,” he added.

In this sense, he warned that “the (US) government will take action if Maduro and his representatives do not adhere to the commitments within the framework of the electoral road map.”

The Supreme Court of Justice of Venezuela announced on Monday the suspension of the “for all purposes” preliminary process organized by the opposition and won by former lawmaker Maria Corina Machado, on the grounds of the possibility of committing several crimes. In organizing a vote that was not approved or supervised by the Chavista authorities.

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