There are short-sighted readings of what is said from the house of Benedict XVI.

There are short-sighted readings of what is said from the house of Benedict XVI.

trial George GanswinPermanent Secretary and Faithful to Benedict XVI, Archbishop of Urbisaglia, until a few months ago. Dean of the Pontifical House of Pope Francis – a position he retains because he has not been replaced.

Ediciones Rialp publica ‘How the Catholic Church Can Restore Our Culture ‘(2021), With the Various interventions or interviews conducted by Gänswein in the past six years. The 64-year-old German Bishop replies to Vida Nueva, via email and some limited questions, from the Vatican monastery where he remains at the Pope Emeritus’s side.

QUESTION: In a way, in the entries collected in this book, you are learning the great visions of Benedict XVI. In the midst of this pandemic, can the church restore European culture?

Answer.- The book is a collection of texts written, for various occasions, during the five-year period 2014-2019. They belong to different literary genres: lectures, preaching, introductions and book presentations. The common thread that unites them is exactly what you are referring to: To make a modest contribution to Catholic culture in our secular world. It is clear that it is easy to guess the background and the humus that inspires and revives these texts by reading and contemplating the works of Benedict XVI, in which I was trained.

Misleading reading

Q: One of the chapters is entitled “The Renewed Papacy.” You are so close to the Pope Emeritus, how can you help to overcome the “crises” of the Church presented by Benedict XVI?

s. Like all titles in the text index, They are creations of the German publisher, intended to grab the reader’s attention. Therefore, it would be a mistake to draw conclusions from simply reading the title without being immersed in the content of the text.

Q: What would you say to those who complain that inappropriate contacts or interference sometimes come from the monastery of the mother church, so to speak?

s. Likewise, the judgment on communications or interventions from the convent of the mother church appears to be “inappropriate.” Superficial general criticism, The result of reading complexion or even short-sightedness and misleading.

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