This is how the delta variant that is already circulating in Colombia affected the world | Finance | Economie

This is how the delta variant that is already circulating in Colombia affected the world |  Finance |  Economie

The rapid progression of the delta variant of COVID-19 has put the world on hold and Colombia is no exception. President Ivan Duque confirmed, on Saturday, the existence of this strain, after discovering a case discovered in Cali, which led to alarms being raised, Not only in terms of public health because it is a more contagious strain, but also because this could jeopardize economic recovery, as has happened in some countries where this variant is also prevalent.

(The government confirms the existence of a delta variant in Colombia.)

The United States, for example, It has begun forcing businesses in the country to reconsider their plans to return to normal life, which has led some to delay their return to offices..

Last week, Apple decided to delay bringing workers back to their jobs from September to October due to this alternative and other large companies began requiring the use of face masks at their facilities again. What is more, In many cities they have finally analyzed compulsion for municipal employees to be vaccinated.

(Claudia Lopez advocates vaccination in the presence of a delta variant.)

These are the first results in the business world of the sharp increase in injuries in the United States, As new cases of coronavirus increased by 47% last week compared to the previous case as a result of the delta variable.

change protocols

Likewise, for companies that have already returned to their offices, the delta variable is forcing them to reconsider their health protocols.

A source at Goldman Sachs, for example, told The Times that The investment bank is considering reintroducing a weekly testing regime for even vaccinated employees.

At Google’s California offices, those who decide to voluntarily return to their positions will have to wear face masks again after setting them aside for a while.

(without backtracking).

But the uncertainty of The presence of this variable not only affects the plans of companies, but also creates fear in economies and markets.

For example, on the agenda of the US Federal Reserve meeting that begins on Tuesday, July 27 and continues until Wednesday, July 28, this will be one of the main topics of the meeting.

“Alternative delta adds a new dose of uncertainty, even if the economy recovers,”
said Diane Sonk, an economist at Grant Thornton.

This surprise guest, which has caused a resurgence of COVID-19 cases in many parts of the world, could jeopardize the economic recovery of the United States, as well as other countries.

for example, In Europe, countries such as France, Italy, Spain and Portugal have accelerated their vaccination plans in order to counter the impact of this variable on the number of infections, which this Saturday reached 192,942,266 globally.

After Latin America, the hardest-hit region was Europe with 57,229,621 cases and 1,192,461 deaths.

Markets have not escaped this uncertainty either, and do not contain raw materials such as Oil that fears an accelerating increase in cases due to a delta variable that could skew the path of global recovery.

* With information from agencies

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