This was said by AMLO and the Ministry of Health

This was said by AMLO and the Ministry of Health

On November 26, the World Health Organization (WHO) announced The new variant of COVID-19 has been called OMICRON South Africa, after a meeting to analyze its impact, where it was also decided that it is “a form of risk”. Given this fact, Several countries have closed their borders to travelers from South Africa International markets closed at low levels.

Hue, EHealth Undersecretary Hugo Lopez-Gatell has confirmed the first case of COVID-19 using Omicron in Mexico, after a 51-year-old tested positive for the variant, after returning from a trip to South Africa.

TBoth the Ministry of Health and President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador have already set themselves on omicron, although they made it clear that the information will continue to be updated as medical and scientific organizations find out more about this variable.

Next, we share what the consortium has to say about the Covid Omicron variant.

Lopez Gatell confirms the first case in Mexico

On his Twitter account, the federal official indicated that the patient was voluntarily admitted to a private hospital in Mexico City, to avoid infection. Similarly, he explained that the patient had a mild illness, so the prognosis for his recovery was considered favourable.

“The first positive case of the omicron variant in Mexico is a 51-year-old male from South Africa; he had a mild illness and was voluntarily admitted to a private hospital in Mexico City to avoid infection. The outlook for his recovery is favorable,” he wrote.

Likely, any omicron variable present in the state: AMLO

In his morning conference, the Federal President announced that a Mexican was hospitalized with symptoms of COVID-19, after returning from a trip to South Africa, apparently the new variant of Omicron.

He noted that there is a very high probability that the surrogate will reach Mexico, where cases have already been detected in the United States and Canada.

“Obviously there was a Mexican who was in South Africa, who was admitted to a private hospital, he showed symptoms of Covid disease and they did the test and it looks like it really is this new surrogate, this is the information they gave me yesterday, or it was confirmed, because you had a concern.”

Patient 51 men arrived from South Africa: Ssa

According to the Department of Health, he is a 51-year-old person of South African descent. He arrived in Mexico on November 21 and, six days later, developed symptoms characteristic of mild COVID-19.

The patient received medical care at a private hospital in Mexico City on November 29, and an antigen test, RT-PCR, was taken, and it was positive. While assessed in the emergency room, he has been stable, with a saturation rating of 95 percent and so far in voluntary protective isolation.

On November 30, the sample was received at InDRE, where it began its analysis with the new protocol established on November 26.

The initial results are positive for the N2 gene, and it is noted that the sample showed a failure of the Gen S target: negative for gene S, positive for ORFab gene and positive for gene N), characteristics of the omicron variant.

The authorities explained in detail that the identification of this mutation was possible thanks to the inter-institutional work of the epidemiological surveillance of the entire national health sector, at the federal and state levels, as well as coordination with institutions from different countries that made it possible to obtain it in a timely manner. Information to carry out the discovery.

Ssa updates genomic monitoring protocols

Through an informational alert from the National Bioethics Committee, the Ministry of Health reissued the WHO bulletin in which it classified omicron (B.1.1.529) as a SARS-CoV-2 virus of concern on Friday, November 26.

In the afternoon, by the indication of the epidemic danger traffic signal, The agency announced that it will update genomic monitoring protocols to search and detect a possible case of the variant in the country.. In addition, he indicated that in case of infection, necessary health measures will be evaluated, supported by scientific evidence.

“Due to the recent recognition of omicron as a variant of concern by the World Health Organization (WHO), the Ministry of Health is working to update genetic surveillance protocols to deliberately search for the said variant. Thus, if necessary, the health actions taken will be guided by the available scientific evidence.”

No evidence that he’s more ferocious: Lopez Gatell

The Undersecretary for Prevention and Health Promotion, Hugo López-Gatel, noted that so far, it has not been shown that a variant of Covid-19 omicron is more virulent or that it evades the immune response caused by vaccines.

through Twitter, López-Gatell explained that some data indicate that the covid omicron variant has greater transmissibility. from its predecessors.

“Omicron is the latest variant of SARS-CoV-2 of concern, and some data indicate that it has higher transmissibility than its predecessors. Not proven to be more ferocious It also does not escape the immune response caused by the vaccine.”

AMLO excludes closing activities and asks not to fear omicron

For his part, Lopez Obrador Exclude closing activities due to omicron ظهورWe even said, “We shouldn’t be afraid.” In La Mañanera of Oaxaca, the president confirmed that great progress had been made in Mexico in virus vaccination, but announced that it would be tomorrow when the Ministry of Health would provide a detailed report on the alternative.

“No, we don’t have that prognosis (to shut down activities) we think we’ve made a lot of progress on vaccination and that we’re continuing to vaccinate and we’re going to ramp up the entire vaccination program, that’s what I’m going to talk about today the day after tomorrow in my report. Tomorrow we report on this alternative.

Tell all Mexicans we’re running a follow-up, and that there are no items to worry about, There are no reasons for the risk, according to the reports given to me by the specialists. There is a lot of information in the media, we should not be afraid because there is a lot of uncertainty and unconfirmed information, that’s what I can say. There is no confirmed information yet, if this variant is more dangerous than the others, then it does not exist,” he said.

The President stressed that the information must be expanded, and that the real danger lies in the injuries and deaths that it can cause, however, there is still no scientific data in this regard.

He commented that in the afternoon he will hold a meeting with the Health Cabinet to find out the latest report regarding the alternative, as soon as he returns from his tour. Regarding the resistance of vaccines against this variant, he noted that there is no information yet and it cannot be said that the biological substances “do not work” against Omicron.. He recalled that it has been proven that the best thing is vaccination for prevention, and he did not rule out strengthening the state’s immunization plan.

Finally, the head of the Federal Executive confirmed that the country is ready to face Omicron’s arrival and that his government remains keen to take care of the population. “We have to continue to vaccinate those who are left behind, and we all have to get vaccinated, and we have already started vaccinating young people, and we will report more on Wednesday,” he reiterated.


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