Trump leaves Forbes’ list of the 400 richest people – El Sol de México

Trump leaves Forbes’ list of the 400 richest people – El Sol de México

Donald Trump Not only did he stop leading the United States, but also very Disappeared from the list of the 400 richest Americans who establishes Forbes Magazine the fall The number is one thousand 299.

This does not mean that Trump no longer has a million dollars in reality The amount is almost the same as the amount you registered a year ago, which ranked 339th on this list.

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So why did Forbes leave Trump from the list of the richest people?

currently, The fortune of the former president of the United States Estimated at $2.5 billion. However, this year, Trump’s main business, which was focused on the real estate sector, has stagnated in the face of the boost he showed Cryptocurrency and the technology sector where it is absent.

Trump’s fortune is down 600 million, compared to before the pandemic, though Owning office buildings, branded hotels, resorts and even golf courses.

This fall Forbes attributes it to his own decisions Not to diversify their wealth and reinvest in new sectors, He also advised his advisors when he became president in 2016.

In 1996, Trump did his best ever, getting close to the 100 richest people in the world. Between 2000 and 2015, Forbes noted that the fortunes of Americans remained stable, but after that time, the decline began.

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By 2016, Trump was no longer among the 200 richest people; In 2020 he left the 300 list; And this year, no longer able to stay among the 400 richest.

So far, Trump did not comment on any of his statements., which is the last tool he left after suspending his Twitter and Facebook accounts.

But the ex-president is not the only one who left the list, because he is among the 51 Americans have disappeared, highlight the name Host Oprah Winfrey and Jim Koch, co-founder of Boston Bear.

Forbes’ 10 richest Americans

Unlike Trump, whose worst enemy, the pandemic, for the 400 richest people on the list, Covid-19 was not a hindrance to continuing to increase their wealth.

Jeff Bezos, founder of Amazon, is the person who tops the list with an estimated fortune $201 billion.

follow him Elon MuskOwner of Tesla, With 190.5 billion dollars and the facebook creator, Mark Zuckerberg, that’s before Monday’s failure recording by the world’s largest social networkAnd His fortune is estimated at 134 thousand and 500 million dollars, but now it has fallen to 117 billion dollars, which puts him in the sixth position of the richest people in the world.

With this setting, He will take third place Bill GatesAnd creator Microsoftwho accumulated it 134 billion dollars.

Here are the 10 richest people according to Forbes:

  1. Jeff BezosAmazon owner ($201 billion).
  2. Elon Musk Tesla owner ($190.5 billion)
  3. Mark ZuckerbergFacebook creator ($134.5 billion before the social network collapsed)
  4. Bill GatesMicrosoft creator ($134 million)
  5. i see pageGoogle creator ($123 billion)
  6. Sergey BrinGoogle founder ($118.5 billion)
  7. Larry Ellison, president and co-founder of Oracle ($117.3 billion)
  8. Warren BuffettChairman, Berkshire Hathaway ($102 billion)
  9. Steve BallmerFormer CEO of Microsoft ($96.5 billion)
  10. Michael BloombergCo-founder of Bloomberg LP ($70 billion)

Inquiry Here The full list of the 400 richest Americans, according to Forbes.

With information from EFE

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