Uganda: an example in refugee policy

Uganda: an example in refugee policy

When someone mentionsRefugeThe first thing they usually think of is,Eastern EuropeThanks to media coverage and efforts directed at the region in the face of the crisis it is going through. While forced displacement is as important around the world as any other issue, the spotlight is often in the West. For those unfamiliar with the African region, It may come as no surprise that an African country has a successful comprehensive refugee policy.Since 1999, Uganda Integration of refugee policy based on Self-sufficiencywhich seeks to ensure that refugees have access to Good quality of life.

As of 2020, of the 26.4 million refugees in the world, 1.4 million were in Uganda. This makes it the main host country of the African continent and the fourth at the international level. Due to the large influx of people entering the country, Uganda has sought a policy that not only helps the arrivals, but also It will benefit your economy. Thus, he has set aside the usually prevailing conception of refugees as “loadsInstead he considers them assets who contribute to the state. Another feature that sets it apart from other countries in the world is that, instead of refugees living in camps, they are provided with a plot of land and a “start-up kit” with seeds and tools so they can grow their own food. In addition, they are allowed to move and work freely, despite the help of UNHCR The government is only present in the settlements. Refugees can also go to school and benefit from health clinics funded by aid organizations. However, they still have limitations: they do not have full legal integration (for example, they cannot acquire citizenship) and they are not allowed to create “permanent structures”.

The positive outcome of this policy for Uganda is that it has contributed a lot to this policy Economie. Since the refugees consumers s Producers At the same time, new markets. Likewise, Uganda has received foreign investments which contribute to its development. For example, there was investment in infrastructure, such as new roads and equipment for state enterprises. However, it also had negative consequences, especially among the national population. Locals report that infrastructure development has transformed cities beyond recognition. In addition, citizens consider it unfair that the services provided by relief organizations are higher than those provided by the state. As for the land, national farmers say they don’t have the same “safety net” as refugees. There are also differences between the boundaries of the land allocated to refugees and those of citizens, with each accusing the other of unauthorized use of the land.

The fact that refugees have been given a plot of land for farming, a chance to work, health services and education means that by the time they return to their country of origin, they can continue to do so. normal life. However, I consider it, if the country of origin does not have a strategy that allows it properly reintegration, the efforts of the host countries will be in vain. I realize that not all countries have plots of land available for refugees to farm, but I believe that land in refugee camps can be used by countries to create places of work for them.

Facing a crisis COVID-19They found a way for the refugees to continue working. Although the expenses represented by refugees in Uganda are relatively low, it needs humanitarian assistance to continue its refugee policy. Humanitarian aid is not enough and resources are scarce. In other words, if UNHCR continues to provide such low funding to Uganda, it will not be able to continue to support the presence of so many refugees in its country. It would be interesting to study the economic impact that refugees have on Uganda, but that will be the subject of another investigation.

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