ULACIT will make the female contribution to data science visible

ULACIT will make the female contribution to data science visible

For the first time, Costa Rica will host WiDS Costa Rica, an event that seeks to highlight the female contribution to the world of data science while at the same time motivating more women to venture into the field.

The activity, which will take place on Saturday, February 19, is organized by female students in Engineering and Business Intelligence from the Latin American University of Science and Technology (ULACIT).

Read more: ULACIT empowers women in STEM fields through a scholarship program

WiDS Costa Rica will be a virtual event that includes talks, panel discussions, workshops and participatory exercises with high-level speakers, all of whom are distinguished women who will share the work they are doing in the field of data science.

“Women in Data Science (WiDS) is a non-profit organization that started several years ago at Stanford University and which we are introducing to Costa Rica for the first time”; explained Maria Paula Castro-Bourbon, a biomedical engineering student at ULACIT.

WiDS Costa Rica is aimed at the general public, especially women and university students. Registration for participation is done online through this link: https://widscr.com/. Participants will be able to access prizes from sponsors by participating in the various activities that will take place during the day.

In addition, parallel to the event, a data visualization competition called “Data, Women and Employment” was also held, targeting women residing in Costa Rica with prizes of up to $300.

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WiDS Costa Rica is also a call for young women and teens to begin participating in data science and generally in STEM (STEM) disciplines.

“If you are really interested in this field, find training, find support resources on the Internet and stand up for your interests. Allow yourself to be interested in what you are passionate about regardless of your gender, get training so that you are a better professional and better people who put your skills in the service of society”; Cressia Gomez, a student in business intelligence and information management who is part of the organizing team, confirmed.

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