UNESCO’s new look at the economic impact on the creative industries

UNESCO’s new look at the economic impact on the creative industries

The cultural and creative industries (CCI) have been one of the sectors hardest hit by COVID-19. The impact of the pandemic has been particularly felt in venue-based activities such as theater, live music, festivals, cinemas and museums. Across the world, the livelihoods of artists and cultural workers have also been severely affected by lockdown and physical distancing measures, exacerbating their already precarious conditions.

In the context of the urgent and unprecedented need to measure the extent of the economic and financial impact of the crisis, traditional statistical tools and standard forecasting methods have proven insufficient. This difficulty was greatest in the cultural and creative industries, which have historically faced significant challenges in data collection and are characterized by a high degree of informality.

Based on an international review of studies published in 2020, This new study It provides an overview of the expected scale of global disruption caused by the spread of the virus, and examines the economic impact of the pandemic on the cultural and creative industries.

Despite the difficulties inherent in cultural data, this study provides reliable estimates of the economic impact of the pandemic.

These industries, in 20 medium and large economies, together account for 61% of the global economy. It is estimated that in 2020 there will be A global contraction of 750 billion dollarsof the total added value of the cultural and creative industries around the world, representing a dramatic setback in the ability of these industries to drive cultural, economic and social development. Income losses in the cultural and creative industries in 2020 are particularly large, ranging from about 20-40% across countries.

This downturn, in turn, caused a serious imbalance in global employment. They signed up Huge job losses in the cultural and creative industries, Estimated more than 10 millionand profoundly affecting the livelihoods of creative workers The self-employed have experienced higher levels of income loss and unemployment than other categories of cultural and creative workers, demonstrating the urgent need to defend and advance the social and economic rights of artists and cultural professionals worldwide.

Accelerate digital transformation In the cultural and creative industries is another clear trend emerged from the crisis. Both public and cultural professionals use digital technologies in new ways, giving rise to innovative models of digital production, distribution and consumption.

This research allows us to recognize the need to invest in creativity, protect the condition of artists, and ensure a fair digital transition. These are essential steps to advance the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, particularly in its ambition to promote decent work and build peaceful and inclusive societies in which the fundamental freedoms of all citizens are protected. It is part of UNESCO’s efforts to collect and organize quantitative and qualitative information on the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the culture sector, particularly in the context of 2021, which has been declared the International Year of the Creative Economy for Sustainable Development through the United Nations General Assembly. More information can be obtained at: https://en.unesco.org/news/disruption-and-resilience-unesco-reports-reveal-new-data-impact-covid-19-culture

end to end:
Culture and the creative industries in the face of COVID-19: A look at the economic impact

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