UNHCR does not approve of the ‘Remain in Mexico’ program for asylum seekers in the United States

UNHCR does not approve of the ‘Remain in Mexico’ program for asylum seekers in the United States

Geneva (Nearby). The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees has opposed a program known as the “Stay in Mexico” (Stay in Mexico) program for asylum seekers at the southern US border, who must remain in Mexican territory while your application is being processed, a policy set by the government of former President Donald Trump that , according to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, does not comply with protocols to protect asylum-seeking migrants.

On Thursday, the United States and Mexico announced some amendments to this policy called Migrant Protection Protocols (MPP), however, despite this, the policy does not have the support of the United Nations agency that monitors the rights of immigrants.

“Of course we saw the announcement, from the outset we expressed our serious concerns about the re-establishment of Migrant Protection Protocols (MPP) and its impact on the safety and right to liberty of asylum seekers and due process of law,” a UNHCR spokesperson said. Boris Checherkov told Proceso.

Announcing the modifications we have seen to this policy is not enough to address our core concerns. We have never been involved in implementing the Migrant Protection Protocols and will not support the re-establishment of this policy.”

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