United States: Floyd’s family will receive compensation for his death – USA and Canada – International

United States: Floyd’s family will receive compensation for his death – USA and Canada – International

The George Floyd’s family, The African-American who was killed by a policeman on May 25, arrived at A. Civil settlement with Minneapolis to receive $ 27 million in compensationToday, Friday, the American city and the representatives of the dead reported.

(Read here: Judge attributes a new charge to ex-cop accused of murdering Floyd)

“This is the largest settlement in the case of the unlawful death of a black man and sends a strong message that black lives matter and that police brutality against people of color must end.” The family’s attorneys indicated in a statement about the agreement that does not end criminal proceedings against the agent Derek Chauvin and three of his companions on the death of Floyd.

Chauvin immobilized Floyd by placing his knee on his neck for nine minutes and choking him, a videotaped incident that shocked the United States and sparked a wave of protests. Against racism and police brutality That shook the country. Demonstrations have also been repeated in other parts of the world.

This is the largest settlement in the case of the wrongful death of a black man and sends a strong message that black lives matter …

“ The horrific death of George Floyd Witnessed by millions of people around the world, and unleashed a deep longing for justice and change, “ Said Ben Crump, the lead attorney for the Floyd family.

This agreement is part of a civil lawsuit that the family filed in June 2020 against the city and the four agents involved. In the criminal proceedings that began this week, Chauvin – You have been fired from the policeHe faces three charges: murder in the third degree, murder in the second degree, and one count of manslaughter.

(What is more: Details of the death trial of George Floyd)

Rodney, one of George Floyd’s siblings, said the agreement was a “necessary step” for the family to begin the lockdown process. “George’s legacy for those who love him will always be optimistic that things can go better and we hope this agreement will achieve that.”, pointed out.

France Press agency

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