University of Sports | Angel Comiso: “U’s duty is to fight for the title”

University of Sports |  Angel Comiso: “U’s duty is to fight for the title”

This Sunday The Sports League tied 0-0 against Carlos Manucci By the last date of the first round and running out of chances to qualify for the Group A final in the first half of League 1 Betsson.

After the match, Angel Comiso gave his impressions of the course of the match: “We tried everywhere because the opponent closed very well. We knew that we had to win even though it was not up to us to go to the Stage 1 final, but we wanted to win to shorten the accumulated distance. “. The coach noted in an interview with RPP Noticias.

Regarding his expectations for the second phase, he added, “I think more of his injured teammates today will join and with them we will likely improve. U’s goal is to fight for the title, it is a commitment and everyone inside the club knows that.”

Regarding the match that he will play against Palmeiras in the Copa Libertadores, he explained: “Now we will go on Thursday for a goal that will not depend on us, against a very complicated opponent and in a difficult stadium, but we will go to victory. And reach the South American Cup.”

Finally, he referred to the “holy” team as the finalists in the first stage with Sporting Crystal: “San Martin is the appropriate winner in the group. When there is a winner who is the first, so be it.”

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The United States will now allow the mask not to be used if it receives doses of the Covid19 vaccine

Americans who received two doses of the vaccine and were immunized against Covid19 will be able to go maskless in most places, whether indoors or outdoors, according to the latest recommendation from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC, for its acronym (in English)). However, the commission indicated that these recommendations are not binding and that the decision remains in the hands of countries that must decide to use masks in different places.

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