Video: Acrobatic, woman exits the transmitter through the window | trends

Video: Acrobatic, woman exits the transmitter through the window |  trends

Through social networks, a viral video clip spread through it A woman exits the window of the Transmelenho. According to the transport system users, the young woman got the essay to ask for money, and due to the low collection, she did not wait for the article to stop at the opposite station, but rather left. Previously.

The events took place on March 13th and the user recorded the exact moment. as you see, The woman is taking advantage of the fact that the article is held to climb her tail through the windowFirst, remove your torso and start drawing the legs little by little.

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“She knows what she’s doing.” It is heard in the recording as well as some laughter due to an unusual fact, because for safety reasons it should not be done, it is necessary to wait for the bus to stop at the station and open the doors in order to leave.

Given the unusual event, netizens commented with some joke about what happened: “That woman is a” spiderma, “” “So silly is waiting for the door to open“,”When you meet your exI already know what to do in the sleep state and missed the station, ”among other things.

People who work informally at TransMilenio do not have organized permits to do so; however, The search led them out against the facility to obtain resources in the absence of opportunities.

Yes good Several amazing talents appear, Which encourages users to support them and even register them to show them to more people, orOthers do not possess the same ability and cling to an already known rhetoric To demand collaboration, so they don’t always do well.

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