Vladimir Putin threatens to “break the teeth” of those attacking Russia

Vladimir Putin threatens to “break the teeth” of those attacking Russia

Moscow– The Russian President, Russian President Vladimir PutinThursday confirmed that he would “break the teeth” of those who attack RussiaIn the context of ongoing tensions with Western countries.

He said, “Everyone wants to bite us and take something from us. But those who are trying to do so must know that we are going to break their teeth so that they cannot bite us anymore.” Put it inDuring a meeting with national organizations.

Even after losing a third of its potential [con la caída de la Unión Soviética]For some Russia It is still very big. He added, according to the images broadcast on television, that the potential is enormous, and its lands are still the largest in the world. “

He did not specify which countries he was referring to.

Moreover, it once again flaunted the latest weapons that it has developed RussiaSuch as the “Avangard” supersonic missiles, which, according to Russian authorities, could outperform any missile defense system.

Putin used to utter terrible phrases or biting jokes to praise his country and threaten his opponents.

In 2016, he joked on television that “Russia’s borders never end” after annexing Ukraine’s Crimea peninsula and sending his army to support President Bashar al-Assad in Syria.

Relationships between Russia Western countries are going through one of their worst moments, after several disputes over the situation in Ukraine and Syria and accusations of Moscow interference in elections, espionage and cyber attacks.

RussiaHowever, on Thursday, he welcomed “positive signs” in relations with the United States, after Washington decided to abandon the application of some sanctions on the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline and after a “constructive” meeting of the two countries’ heads of diplomacy. .


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