What are the characteristics of the most attractive people?

What are the characteristics of the most attractive people?

The romantic conquest continues to be one of humanity’s great mysteries, and even more so in the midst of technological advances, apps Dating like Tinder, polyamory, distance, popularity FRENZON (Friends Zone), or open relationships. But There is one thing that never changes: the chemistry between two people (The same word it says, chemistry) is still a pure science.

For this reason, the magazine interested in trade have gathered Various modern scientific researches on the attraction between men and women. The result is a set of very interesting tips.

Without a doubt, great news for shy and less social people who find this essential part of being human difficult: love.

Women are more attracted to older men when they reach economic independence. (AP Photo/Shakh Aivazov) – Photo: AP

Mature show

  • Do they like old people? This is what some experts call the George Clooney effect: Women are more attracted to older men than they are when they reach economic independence.
  • Other studies relate to power: if they perceive that the standard of living is higher (an expensive car, a luxury home), then so will the level of attraction.

be nice

  • When 100 participants were shown pictures of men and women, they admitted that they found people with cute traits more attractive.
  • It receives the name of the halo effect: one feature is enough for a person to form a complete image of a person.

grow a beard (several days)

  • If a woman was given a choice between several men based only on his shaving and facial hair, she would be more likely to choose the man with a light beard.

Work the body (but not too much)

  • It is about fertility and development. Women prefer muscular men in short-term relationships and slim men prefer long-term relationships.

Enhance a sense of humor

  • This is not a myth: if the victor makes the person he loves laugh, it will be easier for the connection to flourish.
  • However, it is somewhat more suitable for a woman than a man; They place more importance on their ability (or lack thereof) to show their sense of humor.

Talk about feelings

  • An Australian investigation into speed dating yielded a strange result: men who display emotional intelligence, who are able to accept and talk about their feelings, are more attractive.

nice smell

  • Although it seems very obvious. Perfume and body odor can awaken even hidden instincts in a state of admiration.
  • In addition, the use of intense perfumes and deodorants will make people feel more attractive and confident.

Take care of body language

  • Being expressive and showing that you trust your body language is also an advantage when it comes to dating.
  • According to a study based on profile pictures of AcquaintanceWomen prefer wide postures, such as opening their arms or extending a hand to pick up an object. Therefore, it is recommended not to hold your arms.

Be positive and confident

  • If you promote the positive, confident, assertive and proud side of your accomplishments, you will earn a lot of points.

Show solidarity

Wear bright colors

  • According to a 2010 study with participants from different countries, women prefer men to wear red.

Do you have a pet

  • It is a trait that humanizes even men who are perceived as being tougher.
  • Pets bring out the best in everyone, their most tender and nature-loving sides.

show scars

  • One final tip: The stories behind each scar contain interesting anecdotes and events that the other person will love to hear. That is why it is desirable to show her and tell her story.

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