What Not to Include on Your Resume, According to a Google Recruiter

What Not to Include on Your Resume, According to a Google Recruiter
What Not to Include on Your Resume, According to a Google Recruiter
A CV is a document that we constantly update. Photo: Getty Images

When it comes to Create a Curriculum Vitae (CV) We all want to show our best professional skillsHowever, for some experts in this field there are some Data to be deletedThis was announced by Erica Rivera, Chief Recruitment Officer at The Google.

CV update It’s a job they do too Job seekers regardless of age Obviously, the notion of saturating the famous spreadsheet with data has changed work experience.

Five things you should never include on your resume, according to a Google recruiter

Erica Rivera has performed duties as a Senior Recruiter for The Google A year ago. The CEO usually shares recommendations to improve the performance of professionals on her TikTok account and in one of her accounts Videos clearer latest Five things not to include on a resume.

1.- full address

The expert considers that it is no longer necessary to place a file the full address in the document.

“Number one, your address. We don’t need the full address: just a city and a state.”

2.- Objectives

For her to put Career Objectives It’s been a custom for decades.

“They don’t go anymore, we’re in 2022”

3.- Do not put all your work history

According to the employee, you should not put the complete work history and Yes highlight the fees in which you have experience related to the function of interest.

“We must focus and perfect in tailoring your search and resume to the job you are applying for”

4.- Delete weak verbs

For Rivera, what she calls weak action verbs such as “I helped” or “I was responsible for” should not go, and words should be strengthened with phrases such as: “I improved”, “I carried out” and “I managed”.

5.- Should references be provided?

According to the executive branch, it is not necessary to put references in CV Because it is the company that will request this information in case it is considered important.

Now you know, a resume that is lighter in terms of data probably speaks the best for you.

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