What series to watch this weekend on Netflix, Disney, and Amazon Prime Video: Luis Miguel or Falcon and the Winter Soldier, among others | entertainment

What series to watch this weekend on Netflix, Disney, and Amazon Prime Video: Luis Miguel or Falcon and the Winter Soldier, among others |  entertainment

New weekend, look for a new series to enjoy some TV time. A romantic action series or the life of a global artist

If you are looking for a new TV series to have a good time this weekend, here are some of the ones that have hit major streaming platforms like Netflix, Disney or Amazon in recent days.

The Disney Superhero Factory continues its seasons from Falcon and Winter Soldier every Friday. It seems unbelievable that, after we got used to seeing the series all at once, we can now afford to have one chapter a week.

For its part, Netflix puts a life on One of the most famous singers of the past decades in Mexico And at the international level. Luis Miguel is sweeping the stage as well as on the small screen. Sure, the second season sparks as curiosity as the first.

Disney + continues to release news, like its STAR channel. If you sign up for the annual subscription, you will save the equivalent of two months compared to the monthly subscription.

Louis Miguel

Diego Bonita gets into the skin of the “When the Sun’s Hot” singer once again. Luis Miguel’s life premieres its second season on Netflix. Manifestations and shades of one of the most international artists in Mexico today.

Whether or not you are an absolute fan of Luis Miguel, this series draws us in and reveals someone little known to him outside of the scenes. As usual, when the life of an artist with a lot of followers turns into a movie or TV series, criticism and controversy are part of the show as well, but even that part also earned him huge success in his first season, and now he will. With the second.

  • Eligible: Louis Miguel
  • date of publication2018
  • Duration: 50 minutes
  • a program: Netflix

Falcon and Winter Soldier

It’s a show of the moment for Disney + subscribers. The two inseparable from Steve Rogers should rebuild their lives and goals after his departure. America needs a new Captain America, but the former remained too heavy to be taken lightly.

If you like the series, which has not yet been fully released, you’d better be wary on social networks, as some details of the ending have been leaked, like Sam’s final costume. Every detail of the new Marvel plot is best discovered on our own.

  • Eligible: Falcon and Winter Soldier
  • date of publication2021
  • Duration: 50 minutes
  • a program: Disney +

Downtown monastery

For fans of British culture and its arrogant stories and time period, Downtown Abbey is a reference. The entire series has been released in the Amazon Prime Video catalog. Class difference during WWI or the inequality between men and women is represented, albeit in a friendly way, in this series which attests to classics such as Arriba y Abajo.

It’s a series for weekend relaxation, enjoying its characters and struggles, costumes and practicing some English with all British accents if it enjoys it in the original.

  • Eligible: Downtown Monastery
  • date of publication2010:
  • Duration: 50 minutes
  • a program: Amazon Prime Video

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