Why would Trump lose $103 million if he announced that he would run for president in 2024? – Finance

Why would Trump lose 3 million if he announced that he would run for president in 2024?  – Finance

Donald Trump also continues to consider ad time His candidacy for president in 2024faces Expensive dilemma.

as head of Save America, the Political Action Committee (PAC) controls $103 million, making it the “decision finger” of the Republican Party. Once you announce your intention to run for president, federal law takes the money out of your hands.

The former president has been signaling for months that he will build another candidate for the White House. He said he made his decision but can’t reveal it, at least not until after the November midterm elections, due to campaign finance restrictions.

When the announcement is officially released, he will be able to take just $5,000 from the PAC for his campaign committee, which will start with an initial balance of $0.

At the same time, announcing his candidacy could prompt his loyal donors to fill his campaign coffers. Trump has shown it Money can be collected quickly: In the three weeks after losing the 2020 election, he joined the Republican National Committee to raise $207.5 million while falsely claiming widespread fraud led to his defeat.

The attack on the Capitol

Trump returned to Washington on Tuesday for the first time since leaving the White House, and there is no more popular figure in the Republican Party. However, his political future is far from clear. He has received something of a “beaten” by a congressional committee investigating his role in January 6, 2021 On Capitol Hill, nearly half of Republicans now say they would prefer another candidate in 2024.

But Trump is seriously considering announcing his re-election bid early, according to a person familiar with his plans, despite concerns from some GOP leaders that it would spur Democrats and distract the GOP from his efforts. Regain control of the House of Representatives In November.

And while it’s been raising money steadily, its second-quarter fundraising fell to $17 million, down from $19 million in the previous three months, according to FEC filings.

During the financial reporting period, six televised hearings were held for the House committee investigating the assault on Capitol Hill. In fact, Trump’s fundraising began to decline before the sessions. In the first six months of 2022, it totaled $36 million, down 29 percent from $50.5 million in the previous six months.

Trump is not the only “rooster” in the Republican Party

Republicans who could challenge Trump were also making a lot of money. Florida Governor, Ron DeSantis, raised $122 million through his campaign and PAC allies for reelection. Most of his money, about $71.8 million, came from donors who contributed 50 thousand dollars or more. Only $7.3 million, or 6 percent, came from the kind of small donors that Trump relies on most for fundraising.

Trump has highlighted polls that show him as the frontrunner for the 2024 Republican Party nomination, including a July 1 Harvard/Harris Center for American Political Studies poll that showed him ahead of DeSantis 56 vs. 16 percent. even so, Nearly 60 percent Of all voters in that poll, they said they don’t think Trump should run again, and about a third said Trump is an irregular, and would divide America or be responsible for the January 6 rebellion.

Even with inflation at a four-decade high, President Joe Biden still leads Trump by 44 to 41 percent in the virtual rematch, according to a New York Times/Siena College poll conducted July 5-7.

Meanwhile, most Americans don’t want Neither Trump nor Biden will run for re-election, according to a Quinnipiac University poll published on July 20. 64% of Americans do not want Trump to run for the White House, including 27% of Republicans and 68% of independents.

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