With poison pills, this is how the CIA tried to kill Fidel Castro Ono TV

With poison pills, this is how the CIA tried to kill Fidel Castro Ono TV
On the left is Raؤولl, on the right is Fidel Castro. Photo: Reuters

The first assassination attempt by the CIA Raul Castro It dates back to 1960 when an agent offered the pilot who was to take him to Prague $ 10,000 to “organize an accident,” according to documents from the Washington-based US National Security Archive.

The assassination plot of Raul Castro

The The plan included the introduction of Cuban pilot Jose Raul Martinez Payment for “incurring risks to organize an accident” during the return flight from Prague.

  • Martinez was informed of the mission through his contacts with him The CIA in Cuba by William J. Murray On a drive to the airport.

In the conversation, they discussed “the limited possibilities of having an accident through an accident” and doubts about the agent’s technical ability to have an accident “without endangering the lives of all persons on board the vessel.”

The pilot, who was already working on The CIA, “sought to ensure that his two children obtain a university education in the event of his death,” Murray agreed, according to a cable carried by the United States National Security Archive.

  • Another published document states that after the flight began, the Washington office in Havana received orders to abandon the mission, but they had no way to contact the pilot.

Upon his return, Martinez told Murray that he “had no chance to fix an accident as they discussed”.

These documents are published in conjunction with the chapter Raul Castro Political life in Cuba, who retires as first secretary of the Communist Party.

The “accident conspiracy” was described in a Senate committee report in 1976 that addressed alleged plots to assassinate foreign leaders, following an investigation into the covert operations of the CIA promoted by Senator Frank Church.

Beans by Fidel Castro

he is The plot precedes several plans To assassinate Raul’s brother, the long-lived leader Fidel Castro And the failed invasion of Castro’s Bay of Pigs – funded by the CIA – on April 16, 1961.

The murder plot Fidel Castro wanted to poison him with a pill; In 1960, the CIA passed a budget $ 150,000 to finance the murder. The money will be used to pay mob salaries to do the job.

  • The The pills were manufactured by the CIA’s Technical Services DivisionHowever, the plan was canceled after the Bay of Pigs incident.

By historian Peter Kornbluh from National Security Archive“These documents are a reminder of the dark and sinister past of the United States’ operations against the Cuban Revolution.”

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