You registered? The site offers $ 2,000 to sleep five nights at various locations

You registered?  The site offers $ 2,000 to sleep five nights at various locations

The chosen person will spend the night in different environments and must write a report describing how the characteristics of each place affect bedtime and rate the property in question on a scale from 1 to 10.

United States, February 21 (RT) .- Website Sleep standardsIt is dedicated to providing information about Healthy sleep s Products that help you sleep-Open a file Vacations What is provided Two thousand dollars To spend five nights in different places.

The purpose of this work is to help the portal “learn more about the impact of environmental factors on sleep quality”.

For this, the selected person will spend the night in various environments, including a five-star hotel complex. In addition, the candidate should write a report describing how the characteristics of each place affect bedtime and evaluate the place in question on a scale from 1 to 10.

“If we choose you, we will send you to a new sleep environment every night. In each of these environments, we will carefully adjust the various environmental factors that we think can improve the quality of your sleep,” the suggestion reads.

In exchange, the organizers promise to reward the subscriber’s services with the proposed amount for the five days – although they have not made it clear whether it will be in the run or separate days – and to cover all expenses related to the accommodation.

Those interested can apply until March 30th, after completing a form with their information and attaching a video explaining why they are the ideal candidate for the assignment.

However, there are a number of conditions. Among them are over 18 years old and reside in the United States.

This content has been published by SINEMBARGO with the express authority of RT. See the original here. Reproduction of it is prohibited.

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