3 Popular Movies to Watch on Netflix

Don’t you want to be left out of any friend’s talk about cinema? In this case, you can not stop watching the movies that we recommend today, which are very popular these days among subscribers Netflix.


2021 – Director: Theodore Melffy

Leila (Melissa McCarthyy jackChris Odd) are a passionate couple who go through a rough breakup after an incident that made their relationship unbearable. To deal with this duel, Lily embarks fully on the world of gardening and begins tending to her garden.

Everything seems to be going well until the bird takes up residence in one of the trees in your house and starts attacking it every day without rest. Luckily for Lily, a former psychiatrist who recently became a vet (Kevin Klein) is crossing her path.. From that moment on, the neighbors will begin to form a curious friendship that will help both of them deal with and overcome their personal traumas..

to heat up

1995 – Director: Michael Mann

Neil McCauley (Robert De NiroOne of the best thieves in the world. Their philosophy is simple: never get involved in something you can’t let go in 30 seconds. This way you stay alert and always on the move. The man leads a gang of criminals and is the mastermind behind some of the biggest heists in recent years across America.

Vincent Hanna (Al Pacino) is a detective who admires McCauley for his sagacity and intelligence. But the guy is driven by very clear principles and ready to do his job: stop McCauley, even if it’s the last thing he does. As the thief prepares for a big hit, the policeman tries to block his way to catch him.

we were songs

2021 – Manager: Juana Macías

we were songs It is a Spanish movie based on a book Elizabeth Benavent, which – which It follows the lives of three friends who deal with work problems, romantic problems, and an uncertain future. Macarena (Maria Valverde) is a simple and ordinary girl, who has a love-hate relationship with her work, as an assistant to an arrogant fashion influencer who makes her life impossible every day.

Jimena (Elizabeth CasanovasBold, crazy and charismatic, her lifelong friend, she has no filter to express her opinion, but is trapped by her past, which prevents her from moving forward. And finally there’s Adriana (Susanna Abito), the girl in appearance centered and mature, who lives with her partner, but all the time trying to invent her life and routine.

For each of them, love has been a turbulent, complicated, sometimes agonizing and painful cycle, but when Macarena discovers that her ex-husband, Leo (Alex Gonzalez) is back, her slight stability crumbles.

More about we were songs In this note.

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