A person spends over $15,000 to become a dog; He is now a border collie

A person spends over ,000 to become a dog;  He is now a border collie

In tastes, types are off, yeah, we know that, but There are those who have slightly eccentric tastes What others.

What would you think if we told you that there is a person who has spent a large part of his savings in his life become a dog?

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Yes, you read that correctly, he became a dog.

Believe it or not Toko, a Japanese man, I decided to leave “normal life” behind And he gave free rein to his desire to become a Border Collie.

Fulfilling his wish wasn’t easy, because he had to first You spend more than 15 thousand dollars to achieve his hyper-realistic suit.

On his YouTube channel, the dog shares his walking routines, training sessions, and even his toys.

Although he is completely happy with this new aspect of his life, he has admitted that he sometimes feels insecure about what people, especially his friends, will think of him.

I rarely tell my friends because I’m afraid they’ll think I’m a weirdo. My friends and family looked very surprised when they learned that I had turned into an animal. woman. Which is why he hides his face in the clips, because he’s afraid of what his co-workers and other people he knows might think in real life.

Zeppet was the company responsible for designing his border collie-inspired costume.

Since the skeleton [entre humano y animal] It’s just different, we spent a lot of time studying how to make him look like a dog. In addition, we collect photographs taken from different angles so that the collie’s beautiful coat can be reproduced and designed so that the coat flows naturally.” Explained some time ago the representative of the company.


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