A player from the Cuban basketball team defected during a flight layover in Spain

A player from the Cuban basketball team defected during a flight layover in Spain
Roudiles Guerra Zeas defected from the Cuban basketball team (ADNCUBA)

On Monday, a new case of a Cuban athlete who defected during an overseas tour was released. This time it’s about the youth Rudiles Guerra Zias, Basketball team member who left the delegation during a layover in Madrid. This way, the team is left with only nine men to face the qualifiers to AmeriCop 2022 that will be disputed in savior.

Oddly enough, the Cuban basketball team had to stop at Braga Airport As part of his trip to the championship headquarters in Central America. After the campus went through immigration formalities, they lost track of Gera Zias, a 26-year-old who had so far been on the team. Guantanamo.

The Cuban basketball team loses a member during a layover in Spain. Guantanamo Raudelis Guerra leaves the national team at Barajas Airport. The Cuban team was left with 9 men for the qualifying rounds in El Salvador,” the letter written by the journalist was Henry Morales On his Twitter account to warn about this situation.

The athlete has disappeared from Barajas airport (EFE / Emilio Naranjo / Archive)
The athlete has disappeared from Barajas airport (EFE / Emilio Naranjo / Archive)

Morales himself later called the basketball player, who claimed he was fine. “I left the delegation for a very personal reason. Perhaps not many know what it is and people give their opinion without even knowing it. But I understand myself and I will understand me, ”he explained in statements to the site. Interlude magazine. Then he added:I want to move forward, I want to succeed. I know the road will be tough, but I’m ready for the challenge.”

In this way, Cuba with just nine players makes it to the pre-qualifying tournament based in El Salvador, which will take place from 2-4 July and which gives two places in the Copa America 2022. This tournament in turn gives seven places to the Basketball World Cup Previously Pan American Games in Santiago de Chile, both in 2023.

Guerra Zayas’ case joins the escapes of other Cuban athletes and collaborators that occurred in the past month. Jorge Cel FigueroaPsychologist for the baseball team, left United State distance Pre-Olympic Baseball Participation for the AmericasChampionship qualifiers Tokyo Olympics. A few days ago, Cesar Prieto, one of the promises of discipline, left his comrades only hours after they landed in the country of the North.

Read on:

They confirmed another escape on the Cuban baseball team that competed in the US Pre-Olympic Championships
The Cuban baseball team did not qualify for the Olympics for the first time in history
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