AMLO rejects international report on corruption – El Sol de México

AMLO rejects international report on corruption – El Sol de México

The President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador Zoom out results World Justice Project (WJP) which ranks Mexico among the worst rated in terms of corruption.

According to the latest report of this independent international organization, which annually conducts an analysis of the strengthening rules of law In the world, refers to that Mexico, in terms of corruption, it ranks 135th out of 139 countries evaluated, only lower than countries like Uganda, Cameroon, Cambodia and the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

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Given this, chief Lopez Obrador He made his classic phrase “I have other data” and said, “I can guarantee it in Mexico There is no longer corruption That it was there recently and people perceive it that way too, according to our data, to be honest.”

stressed that the bad Mexico Rating “Depends on the source” for Information And you had to see what people thought.

The President took the opportunity to accuse him earlier ofinsulators received it bribes He added that there “couldn’t” be more corruption Now than before.

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The president endorsed his statement with a pre-made graph Confidence levels Federal government, which indicates that during the period from November to December 2020, the federal government had the highest confidence index within government economic units, an improvement of 35.9 percentage points in this area.

AMLO And he confirmed in another graph that the social confidence in the authorities, during the month of September of this year, gives the navy a high degree of confidence with 88.5 points and the army with 85.7 points. while the National Guard He has 77.7. Points, according to data provided by the president, based on the latest opinion poll INEGIHowever, it should be noted that the president did not focus on the issue of perception of corruption, but rather on trust.

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