Archaeological discovery dating back more than 1,000 years in the sea represents the history of Egypt – teach me about science

Archaeological discovery dating back more than 1,000 years in the sea represents the history of Egypt – teach me about science
Image credits: Krzysztof Jerijk © Frank Goddio / Hilti Foundation

The Egyptian lands are a sea of ​​history and secrets. There are many archaeological discoveries that experts have been able to find, one more mysterious than the other, and even today they still contain surprises within them that give people something to talk about.

Archaeological expeditions in Egypt are more common than you think, as it is a place full of secrets, and hundreds of ancient pieces waiting to be discovered in the depths of its sands, or in its seas. Recently, archaeological experts made a striking discovery once again about a lost city in the waters very close to Egypt.

Archeology is described as a science that attempts to interpret and describe ancient, lost or extinct societies based on the material remains that remain of these civilizations, cultural objects, clothing, ornaments, wood, bones, stones, ceramics, among many other things.

When talking about Egyptian antiquities, this means that studies focus specifically on the Egyptian region, taking its history and ancient objects to study the past events of this site.

Also, contrary to what many believe, Egypt does not only keep its secrets deep in its sands, but also in the depths of its waters. We can find ancient things that reveal the history of Egyptian Atlantis, that is, an advanced society that disappeared by force. from natural.

Heraklion, that is the name of the Egyptian city, now submerged in the deep waters of the Gulf of Abu Qir, very close to the place where the wonderful city of Alexandria, founded by Alexander the Great, stands. This city, now in ruins under the sea, lies just under 7 kilometers underwater.

According to historians, this city was built around the eighth century BC. C- Being one of the strategic points, and therefore the most important, in ancient Egypt, as it is classified as the main seaport of Egypt for imports from all over the world and the collection of contributions.

Image credits: Krzysztof Jerijk © Frank Goddio / Hilti Foundation
Image credits: Krzysztof Jerijk © Frank Goddio / Hilti Foundation
Image credits: Krzysztof Jerijk © Frank Goddio / Hilti Foundation

Many historians claim that this port was one of the busiest and most lively ports of its time, the last days of the rule of the Pharaohs, and although some still doubt the veracity of the story told about these ruins, the truth is that this port and the city suffered from various natural disasters. Such as earthquakes and, most likely as a result, tsunamis, which left them in the ruins we know today.

However, from its discovery until today, Heraklion has not stopped giving people something to talk about, because in recent days, during explorations led by the French archaeologist Franck Goddio, new ancient objects dating back almost 1,000 years have been found and have aroused astonishment. Experts, who this same explorer shared these discoveries on his official website, Frank the founder. goddio

While experts were analyzing the collapse of a 2nd century BC temple dedicated to the Egyptian god Amun, they found very strange objects, including a column-shaped object with hieroglyphs carved in lapis lazuli, as well as a ceramic hand piece whose function still remains. under consideration.

In the same way, during the explorations, objects of the worship of Greek gods were also found, and more specifically, a sanctuary with representational objects addressed to the goddess of love Aphrodite. Finding objects from other cultures and countries shows how important this port was to ancient Egypt.

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