Beijing summons Japan’s ambassador after Shinzo Abe’s remarks on Taiwan “open doubt about Chinese sovereignty”

Beijing summons Japan’s ambassador after Shinzo Abe’s remarks on Taiwan “open doubt about Chinese sovereignty”


2 dic 2021 02:58 GMT

Previously, the former Japanese prime minister declared that neither his country nor the United States could stand idly by if the Asian giant attacked Taiwan.

Chinese Foreign Ministry summoned Wednesday night For the Japanese ambassador in Beijing For an “emergency meeting” after former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe claimed that neither his country nor the United States could stand idly by if China attacked Taiwan.

Asian giant Vice Foreign Minister Hua Chunying called Abe’s remarks “wrong” and a violation of the basic norms of Beijing-Tokyo relations in his meeting with Ambassador Shui Hideo, according to a statement issued by the Foreign Ministry. Reuters quoted China.

The senior official pointed out that Abe’s remarks “openly challenged China’s sovereignty And they brazenly supported the independence forces in Taiwan. “China firmly opposes this,” the ministry stressed, adding that Hua made “severe protests” to Japan.

State of emergency in Taiwan An emergency for the Japan-US alliance.

Earlier this Wednesday, dad underlined In an intervention during a forum organized by the Taiwan Institute for National Policy Research, he said that China’s armed invasion of the island would pose a serious danger to Japan.

The state of emergency in Taiwan is a Japanese emergency It is thus an emergency situation for the alliance of Japan and the United States. The people of Beijing, and President Xi Jinping in particular, should not be misunderstood in admitting this.”

As for moving forward in Sino-Japanese relations, the former Japanese prime minister indicated that his country should strengthen its relations with China and, at the same time, firmly tell its giant neighbor what to say. “Japan, Taiwan and all people who believe in democracy should continue to urge President Xi Jinping and other leaders of the Chinese Communist Party to Don’t take the wrong path“, pointed out.

He added that Japan and Taiwan should work together to protect freedom and democracy. “Taiwan is stronger, Taiwan is prosperous, and Taiwan guarantees freedom and human rights as well Japan’s interests. “Of course, this also concerns everyone,” he concluded.

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