Biden: The United States will be a global “ arsenal ” of vaccines against COVID – El Financiero

Biden: The United States will be a global “ arsenal ” of vaccines against COVID – El Financiero

In his first official speech to the US Congress, President Joe Biden indicated that his country would become a “global arsenal” of COVID vaccines for the world.

In turn, he presented his $ 1.8 trillion plan to support education and development for the American population.

The United States will become an arsenal of vaccines for other countries. He stressed that all Americans will agree before sharing vaccines. “

United State Already sent 2.7 million to Mexico Dose of COVID-19 Vaccine by AstraZeneca, Which has not yet been approved in that country.

He also pledged to help India, the country that is currently the epicenter of the global pandemic.

Meanwhile, Biden insisted on reform in order to “legalize” the millions of dreamers and illegal immigrants living in the United States.

In the same way sEverything was fired against ChinaThe nation he accused of trying to be the dominant force in the New World.

We must be more competitive against China. “We need to win the 21st century,” he told lawmakers on the Capitol in Washington, D.C.

The Democrat stressed that the Asian giant is an authoritarian country that despises democracy. This is also in contrast to more free countries, such as the United States.

He stressed that Chinese President Xi Jinping is “very serious” about China becoming the most powerful power in the world.

“We will be firm against the despotic regimes that are our opponents,” he declared.

Therefore, the President emphasized that his government’s policy would be “American purchase”, in addition to investing in education and generating clean energy in his country.

He, in turn, insisted that there would be higher taxes for the wealthy in order to shore up his support package for American families.

“The rest of the world is not waiting for us,” Biden said, declaring that his proposals were necessary to compete globally.

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