Bolsonaro, on the assistance provided by Argentina to the Bahia victims: “Ten people will not help us and may create difficulties”

Bolsonaro, on the assistance provided by Argentina to the Bahia victims: “Ten people will not help us and may create difficulties”


December 31, 2021 17:10 GMT

On vacation, Brazil’s president rejected the cooperation offered by Alberto Fernandez’s government after the rainstorm, which left at least 24 dead and 91,000 people evacuated.

On Thursday, the President of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro, thanked the cooperation of the Argentine government to help the flood victims in Bahia state, and argued the reasons for their refusal.

“I thank Alberto Fernandez for the show, but ten people did not help us at this time and may have created difficulties. If you have something else to offer, I would appreciate it‘ said the chief in one of his usual business Send Thursday on their social networks.

Bolsonaro already He said He said on his Twitter account that the Argentine Foreign Ministry offered “10 men” cooperation in distributing “tents and selecting donations and psychological and social assistance” for the flood victims.

But, he explained, “the fraternal Argentine offer was received” when the Brazilian armed forces, in coordination with the Civil Defense, were already providing this kind of assistance.”

Earlier, the governor of Bahia state, Rui Costa, of the Workers’ Party, said he would receive help from the neighboring country “without having to go through Brazilian diplomacy”.

The head of state is enjoying a vacation this week on the beaches of Santa Catarina in southern Brazil, despite the criticism Refused to comment a break.

About Venezuelan Immigration

In another section of his live message, the far-right president left a controversial message in which he explained his position against Venezuelan immigration.

“If other countries in South America want to cooperate and receive the Venezuelans who enter our borders by the thousands, I would also be grateful.”, pointed out.

He continued, “If you want to welcome the Venezuelans who are in Roraima [estado ubicado en la frontera con Venezuela] And that they fled from hunger, misery and communism, we accept it.”

In the 141 municipalities affected by torrential rains in Bahia, 25 deaths were recorded, more than 500 injured and about 92,000 evacuated.

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