Brian Angola spoke about his great moment after he was a champion of Europe – other sports – sports

Brian Angola spoke about his great moment after he was a champion of Europe – other sports – sports

Way Angola Brian To be the best basketball player in the country he has taken since his birth Villanueva, On CasanariTo the other side of the world: The holy land. In his wake he left memories in United StateWhen he was about to play for the first team in Orlando Magic from NBA. On Belgium, Where he played him two months BC Oostende, And in Serbia, for him BC Partizan, His last team before arriving Israel.

Weekend by Angola, 27 years old, crowned champion L. International Basketball Federation Cup, The third most important competition in Europe, With the Ironi Ness Ziona from Israel.

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Basketball player llanero left a mark of 15 points, 9 rebounds and 2 assists per season. His best record compared to those he left in 2019, when he was crowned domestic champions Belgium Being the best player in the finals of the tournament with an average of 13.5 points, 4.2 rebounds and 2.5 assists in the tournament.

Angola speak with Time On the moment he’s in that makes him the most important Colombian basketball player at the moment.

Brian Angola, Colombian player.


Instagram of Brian Angola

How was the step of being On the gates NBA to be twice champion in Europe?

when I was in Orlando In 2018, due to injuries and other reasons, I couldn’t play and come back. But I decided not to immediately go to Europe To improve some things, to be more mature, and more complete. Today I’m on a very good road. Coming to Serbia it hurt me a little bit, I didn’t play because of the technical decisions. Luckily, I come to Israel and being the European champion fills me with even more motivation.

But on the way he was also a hero in Belgium …

a Belgium Arrived to Ostend In 2019, the team won the domestic league nine times in a row. I stayed there for two months because one of the players had left and I had the chance to be like him best player From the final. Victories that fill you with pride.

What does life look like in Israel, a country that has already achieved herd immunity?

I was vaccinated for two months, but with training and everything I feel very tired. I like to rest a little, talk to family, play, be with my friends. Israel It is a country where everyone can go out without masks, everything is open.

It’s something that makes you dream, I hope Colombia I got to this point one day soon. People are tired of so much confinement. I was in Colombia in November. I went to Cali Two days, then we went with Choose Colombia a Argentina, Go back to Cali And I had to go back to Israel immediately. I really miss my mom, my sisters and my friends. I also need a lot of food.

The Colombian League is now played in the healthy Cali bubble. Did you follow the tournament?

I’d like to play in ColombiaI’m so glad you started again regularly. It would be an intense month and a half, but there it is League. Hopefully, they can do two or three operations. This motivates Pelaos to play basketball.

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Have you played bubble mode?

The Eurocope We play it in a bubble. It’s a bit difficult to play without fans. Here, in Israel, we luckily have these things, but in other bubbles we couldn’t. It’s getting to the hotel, changing clothes, eating, going to play and back to the hotel. It’s a chore that tires you out, but everything has to be playable.

Colombia will not be in Tokyo 2021, what do we need to get to Paris 2024?

I’m sure we’ll be going there in four years the Olympics. The country needs an organization, and there is already one with DPB (Professional Basketball Division) who put his hands to handle Choose Colombia. Hopefully this season of the professional league leaves a very large base.

What’s next in Angola Brian?

I have no limits. Getting into the NBA is a very big goal and this summer I am waiting to see what decision I make. If you stay in Europe or try out in the NBA.

Hugo Caro Jimenez
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