China executes a corrupt official He received, within 10 years, $ 260 million in bribes

China executes a corrupt official  He received, within 10 years, $ 260 million in bribes

Lay was investigated by the ruling Communist Party’s Anti-Corruption Commission in 2018 and expelled from the party that same year.

Beijing, Jan.29 (AP) ex-manager From a government asset management company it was executed Friday after conviction Accept bribesIt is one of the most severe penalties imposed in the recent case of Corruption.

The government announced that Lai Xiaomin, 58, who held the position of chairman of China Huarong Asset Management Corporation, had been executed by a court in the eastern city of Tianjin.

The Tianjin Second Intermediate People’s Court ruled in January that the ruling was justified because Lai accepted “particularly large” bribes that exceeded 600 million yuan (93 million dollars) in one case.

The former official sought or raised 1.8 billion yuan ($ 260 million) in a decade in exchange for abusing his position to make investments, offer construction contracts, assist with promotions and perform other services.

Although Lay provided useful information about the illegal activities of his subordinates, the severity of his mistakes and the “level of harm to society” were not sufficient to grant him indulgence.

Most of the death sentences issued by Chinese courts are suspended for two years and are usually reduced by a series of offenses. Death sentences without the possibility of a pardon are unusual.

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