Clarifies that it is still in the process of analyzing the approval of its use in emergency situations – El Financiero

Clarifies that it is still in the process of analyzing the approval of its use in emergency situations – El Financiero

The World Health Organization (Who is the) in examining data on the Russian Sputnik V vaccine with the idea that it could be approved by the United Nations (UN) agency for emergency use against the coronavirus, but said Tuesday that a decision is not imminent.

The clarification came after Russian Health Minister Mikhail Murashko said in recent days that administrative problems are among the main administrative problems Delays in the WHO decision-making process About whether it has been granted Emergency Use of Sputnik V He was given half a dozen vaccines.

This approval would be an international sign of confidence in the vaccine, following a rigorous screening process and could pave the way for its inclusion in the programme. COVAX Organized by the World Health Organization and key partners that are also sending COVID-19 vaccines to many countries in need around the world.

“As with other candidate vaccines, WHO continues to evaluate Sputnik vaccines at various production sites and will publish decisions on their inclusion for emergency use when all data are available and the review is complete,” the WHO said in a statement.

“The evaluation process seeks to accelerate equitable access to life-saving vaccines and control the COVID-19 pandemic,” he added.

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