Collaboration in healthcare strengthens your self-confidence

Collaboration in healthcare strengthens your self-confidence

Jesus Ponce, President of Novartis in Spain.

Thanks to the collaborative spirit of public and private institutions, the health sector has been able to face one of the biggest difficulties in recent times: the crisis caused by covid-19 pandemic. This union based on trust has drawn “Hopeful scenario” For the future, which will make it possible to stabilize the health situation and start the path of economic recovery.

This is how Jesus Ponce, president of Novartis in Spain, who, in his thinking, joins the Covid-19 private lessons, a document promoted by Redacción Médica in which key actors from different areas of society analyze what this pandemic has meant since its stage in March 2020.

What balance are you striking in managing the Covid-19 pandemic?

Collectively as a society, we had to deal with a An unusual and unprecedented public health crisis, with an exorbitant and tragic cost to human lives, and an extremely large negative economic impact. This complex situation we have witnessed has highlighted the importance of having a file Strong healthcare systemCoherent and innovative, both for the health of every citizen and for the proper functioning and resilience of our society and economy.

In addition, despite the difficulties faced by the health sector, public and private institutions maintained a spirit of cooperation that strengthened the confidence of the society as a whole in medicine and professionals. This cooperation and this trust leaves us hopeful scenario Thanks to the good results of vaccination campaign In our country, which should allow us to definitively stabilize the health situation and start down the path of economic recovery.

What do you think were the strongest points of Spanish health when it came to dealing with the pandemic? And what about the weak?

Throughout the pandemic, the performance of Spanish healthcare has continued thanks to the dedication and perseverance of all its specialists. especially health workers, who has been on the front line against Covid-19 and next to the people who have suffered the most.

“The performance of Spanish healthcare has been maintained thanks to the dedication and perseverance of all its specialists”

Our healthcare also has the ability to do so reimaginar Continuously collaborate ways of different health system agents to enhance and continue to provide solutions based on science, research and innovation. This also taught us the importance of optimizing these structures, to make them more direct, to better connect them to the environment, and to speed up research.

Is Spain ready to face a new pandemic in the future?

To be prepared, we must first ask ourselves another question that precedes this one: What have we learned from this epidemic? Only with full awareness and shared responsibility will we be able to better prepare as a society.

However, after this health crisis, we now undoubtedly have better tools such as cooperation between companies, institutions and individuals; Flexibility to adapt to complex situations such as Isolation and social distancing; And the inevitable enhancement of scientific knowledge with the continuous contribution of data and innovation in order to accelerate the scientific research that was necessary to deal with this virus.

What personal learning is the Covid-19 pandemic leaving for you?

On a social level, I think we’ve all learned The value of science and innovation To be a catalyst for progress in our society, our health and our economy.

On a personal level, one of the main lessons I learned is A very big element of solidarity This is the basis of Spanish society, which has been shown in the commendable attitude of our health professionals and in general in the higher levels of vaccination of the population compared to other countries. We have learned a lot on a personal level, as a company and as a sector thanks to this pandemic, but we have to be open to continuing to learn. We are convinced of that The future is to continue working in cooperation with public and private actors. Working in isolation makes less sense now than ever, we are so much stronger together.

“The booking has accelerated our digitization process and helped us enhance our flexible working policy in record time.”

As a company, the shutdown has allowed us to speed up our business digitization process He has helped us implement and enhance our flexible working policy in record time. The procedures we had to perform in eight months, we started in just one. We have made decisions in these months wisely as a core value and we are convinced that remote work is a reality that has come true. During all this time we faced the great challenge of revitalization in all our collaborators Adaptability and flexibility Although not physically close.

The collaborators who are part of the Novartis team in Spain and those from around the world have adapted to the changes brought about by the virus and we have verified that we are working in flexible companyIt adapts to changes and is able to maintain its purpose and commitment to society despite the difficult circumstances we have lived through.

Although it may contain statements, statements, or notes from health institutions or professionals, the information in medical writing is edited and prepared by journalists. We recommend that the reader be consulted on any health-related question with a healthcare professional.

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