Don’t Look Up – Premieres December 24 on Netflix

Don’t Look Up – Premieres December 24 on Netflix

“Don’t Look” tells the story of two astronomers who go on a media tour to warn humanity of the arrival of a comet that will destroy Earth.


Kate Dipasky (Jennifer Lawrence), a graduate student in astronomy, and his professor, Dr. Randall Mindy (Leonardo DiCaprio) Make an amazing discovery: There is a comet orbiting in the solar system. the problem? It is on a direct collision course with the Earth. The other problem? that no one cares. Apparently, humanity’s warning of a deadly planet the size of Everest is embarrassing. With the help of Dr. Oglethorpe (Rob Morgan), Kate and Randall go on a media tour that takes them from the office of indifferent President Orleans (Meryl Streep) and his submissive son and chief of staff Jason (Jonah Hill), to broadcast “The Daily Rip,” a lively morning show hosted by Brie (Cate Blanchetty jackTyler Perry). With only six months left in the comet’s impact, managing the flow of news and capturing the attention of a social media-obsessed public before it’s too late is surprisingly comical. But what do you have to do to make the world search?!

direction: Adam McKay.

general: United States, 2021.

distribution: Jennifer Lawrence, Leonardo DiCaprio, Rob Morgan, Meryl Streep, Jonah Hill, Cate Blanchett, Tyler Perry, Mark Rylance, Ron Perlman, Timothée Chalamet, Ariana Grande, Scott Miscudi (Kid Cody), Himesh Patel, Melanie Linsky, Michael Chiklis Tomer Sisley.

distribution: Netflix.

the first show: December 24, 2021.

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