Ecuador wins the South American sailing lightning

Ecuador wins the South American sailing lightning

The crew of the Ecuadorean boat “Marqueta” consists of Jonathan Martinetti, John Boga and Francisco Almeida, won 66 . championship Sailing in South America From the Lightning Class, which took place at the resort of Salinas, in southeastern Ecuador.

The Chilean crew consists of Felipe Robles, Andres Guevara and Paula Hermann (PhD) accompanied the Ecuadorean when they took second place in the preliminary table for the results accumulated from the nine rounds played in the tournament, which also collected boats from Argentina, Colombia, Peru and the United States.

3rd place went to the Ecuadorean crew too Julio VelezFollowed by the boat led by the Argentine Javier Conte.

The United States, Colombia and Chile ranked fifth, sixth and seventh in the competition that took place between Thursday and Saturday. Collected a total of 24 ships of the Lightning class in the waters of the Ecuadorean Pacific, as reported Sunday by the competition’s organizers.

The tournament was held on salinas yacht club, In the coastal province of Santa Elena (in the southeast of Ecuador), it has the endorsement of the Ecuadorean Sailing Federation and the International Class of Lightning Association.

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