Facebook has removed a troll farm set up by the Nicaraguan government

Facebook has removed a troll farm set up by the Nicaraguan government

Reuters. – digital platform Facebook social networking site On Monday reported that last month wiped out a farm trolls With more than a thousand accounts from Facebook social networking site NS Instagram Which, he said, was led by a government Nicaragua And the country’s ruling party, the Sandinista National Liberation Front.

The social networking company indicated that the farm trolls A coordinated effort to manipulate public discourse using fake accountsAims to amplify pro-government and opposition content.

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Facebook social networking site He said the operation has been active on its excavators since 2018 and was mainly managed by personnel from TelcoreTelecommunications Supervisory Authority Nicaraguawho worked from the capital’s postal service headquarters, Managua.

The social media company added that it removed 937 accounts from Facebook social networking site, as well as 140 pages, 24 groups and 363 accounts Instagram As part of the Nicaragua Network.

Facebook social networking site He said the operation ran a network of blogs, websites, and social media in tik tokAnd TwitterAnd YoutubeAnd blogspot And cable.

The Supreme Court of Justice, which was an ally of the president Daniel OrtegaHe added that the Nicaraguan Social Security Institute also dealt with smaller groups of fake accounts. Facebook social networking site.

Office of the Vice President of Nicaragua, Rosario Murillo, a spokesperson for Ortega and his government, and Supreme court Did not immediately respond to the request Reuters To comment on the report.

“This was one of the operations trolls Researchers from Facebook social networking site in your report.

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Facebook social networking site This year it said it had pulled other networks linked to the governments of Ethiopia, Uganda, Sudan, Thailand and Azerbaijan for violating its rules against so-called uncoordinated inauthentic behaviour, calling this a “particularly worrisome trend”..

The company, which announced last week that it will begin trading in the name of meta pads On December 1, it came under scrutiny by lawmakers and regulators for possible damages linked to its platform, especially after former employee and whistleblower Frances Hogan leaked internal documents.

Nicaragua Presidential elections will be held next Sunday, which government United State I denounced it as a hoax orchestrated by it Daniel Ortega.

Spokesman google browser, from Alphabet Inc. , the owner Youtube, he said the company has removed 82 channels from the video page and three blogs as part of its ongoing investigation into coordinated influence operations linked to Nicaragua.

“The total number of subscribers on these channels was less than 1,500, and he mainly uploaded fraudulent Spanish-language content about games and sports. A small subset uploaded content supporting the president. Ortega And the Sandinista party criticized it United StateThis campaign was consistent with similar findings published by Facebook.”

The other companies did not immediately respond to requests for comment from Reuters.

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