Gross hosts the meeting between science and tourism

Gross hosts the meeting between science and tourism

La Ribagorza in Graus celebrated all day Saturday I Forum of Citizen Science and Scientific Tourism of Arragon, Which was a meeting between institutions, associations and leading professionals in Aragon, in Advances scientific tourism as an economic sector and a channel for environmental awareness In high mountain areas.

The President of the Ribagorza Region, Marcel Iglesias, introduced the conference after being greeted early in the morning by the Mayor of Gross, Gemma Bitwers, who wished the participants a fruitful day as hostess. Coinciding with the celebration in 2022 AD International Year of Sustainable Mountain DevelopmentRibagorza wants to take a step forward to highlight and generate synergies in a thriving professional field within its corporate strategy of Raising awareness in the community for more sustainable development She cares about the environment.

Iglesias considered the forum “a good opportunity Get closer to the initiatives that flourish in our Pyrenees, Where Ribagorza occupies a central position with its unique natural spaces, around a more sustainable and parallel formula of development assets for high mountain regions.”

discussion table

After the presentation, the forum opened with Discussion table “Citizen Science and Environmental Education”. the role of associations, It was moderated by biologist and ecotourism consultant Mireya Cabrero, and in it by Ánchel Belmonte, of Sobrarbe-Pirineos Unesco World Geopark; Eugenio Rojas, of the Pyrenees Vivus Network for Environmental Education Across Borders; and Juan Ignacio Gil of the Quebrantahuesos Foundation.

In the afternoon, from 4:30 pm, there was a different post Entrepreneurs in scientific tourism in the Pyrenees, which emphasized the compatibility of an economically prosperous model with a positive impact on social knowledge of the natural environment. Begoña García, of the Pyrenees Institute of Ecology (IPE-CSIC), presented the “Adopt a Plant” project, a network that coordinates 200 Pyrenean observers. Sara Argo spoke about bat-watching as a tourism resource within the work of the environmental company Verdi Blue; And Ismael Sanz, of SOS Anfibios Aragón, is closed.

In parallel, there was two workshops In the evening hours when attendees were able to enter iIdentification of lichens and their role as biomarkers and in beekeeping, Knowing the function of bees, their direct and indirect contribution to nature and humans, and the effects of climate change on them.

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