hard disk | Mexico for the fight against the environment – El Sol de México

hard disk |  Mexico for the fight against the environment – El Sol de México

The United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26) will be held in Glasgow, Scotland, from 1 to 12 November. At this meeting, the 197 member states of the conference will discuss the progress of the Paris Agreement on reducing greenhouse gas emissions and Mexico will not make good accounts.

Just to start a government 4T . has been postponed Its goal is to generate 35% of the electricity consumed in all Mexican homes with renewable energy by 2030, according to the Special Climate Change Program 2021-2024.

The objective specified in the presidential decree, presented to the National Committee for the Improvement of Regulation (Conamer), represents Six years delay In the renewable energy targets, which were set in December 2015 in the Energy Transition Law, as well as in the commitment signed by Mexico at the Conference of the Parties (COP 21) held in Paris in the same year, where the goal was the same, but had to be met it in 2024.

According to the third government report, as of June, Mexico has not achieved the energy transition targets stipulated in the law, since then 3.2 percentage points below target To generate 30% of energy from renewable sources in 2021.

our country Produces 91% of your energy through fossil fuels and should migrate to cleaner energies due to trade agreements with the United States, but it has not yet done so and is repeating its goals of reducing greenhouse gases by only 22 percent, without meeting them.

This leads us to the fact that in the last three years Mexico has lost the allure it had to attract investors in the field of clean energy. according to Country Attractiveness Index for Renewable Energy (RECAI) prepared by EY, in 2021 Mexico ranked 33rd out of 40 countries analyzed. In the middle of the previous administration it reached seventh place in the world.

But these numbers don’t seem to matter. yesterday, in the interview With this newspaper, Alfredo Gonzalez Reyes, Head of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in Mexico at the Ministry of Economy (SE) announced that our country’s position at COP26 is to propose that regional and international financial institutions provide financing to Latin countries. America and the Caribbean to confront climate change.

Everyone else is paying for clean energy. Not us, it follows from those statements.

In terms of using dirty energy, Gonzalez Reyes came out with the very Mexican, and no one is complying, we are not drawing on the pollution of the world and there are worse countries. Why do we have to compromise ourselves?

First, it would be interesting to see who in the international community is doing this. This is very important because all countries have their challenges, you have to set the record straight. Mexico accounts for between 1.2 and 1.4 percent of all global carbon dioxide emissions in the world. So this is the first data, we’re just under 1.4 percent of global emissions,” Gonzalez said.

There are other data that are important to bear in mind. For example, in India, China and Japan, in the last plots, 92, 30 and 10 coal-fired power plants are being built, respectively, let’s say that two of them are comparable with Mexico and one is high-income; While in Mexico there is no longer a coal power plant.”

Instead of putting the country’s commitment to the planet first, Regardless of whether other countries comply or notMexico is showing that this issue is not on its priority agenda.

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