Himalayan Geological Fault What is it and what are the risks involved? Scientists warn of an increase in earthquakes and quakes

Himalayan Geological Fault What is it and what are the risks involved?  Scientists warn of an increase in earthquakes and quakes

Scientific research sounds the alarm about growth
Geological error
In the Himalayas. Experts published an article titled “Rupture and delamination of the Indian lithosphere during subduction of flat plates”, where they pointed out the dangers posed by the growth of the said fault.

Himalayan mountain range
It is the highest on planet Earth It extends through the countries of India, China, Nepal, Bhutan, Burma and Pakistan. With this new research, scientists have reached They found that there is a rupture that could break up the Hindu region and cause strong earthquakes in the region.

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The geological fault in the Himalayas poses a great danger

Tectonic plates
Which divides the Asian continent, In the Tibet region, introducing a tear and defining the lithospheric mantle. This keeps people in the area alert A potential collision of tectonic plates could cause catastrophic damage.

Tectonic plates usually break vertically, but this time The breaks were extensive, which created an atypical situation whose consequences were difficult to predict.

If the fault continues to advance, the number of earthquakes in the region will increase dramatically. Which puts the population at risk

China, Nepal, Bhutan, Burma and Pakistan.

“We didn't realize that continents could behave this way, and that this has fundamental implications for those who study solid Earth.”

Said Douy van Hinsbergen, a geodynamicist at Utrecht University and one of the authors of the study.

Given this, in the investigation they remembered thisThe Himalayas are a mountain range formed by the collision of two tectonic plates thousands of years ago. A perfect example to measure the level of consequences that could occur if

Geological error
The region continues to grow in the coming years.

So far scientists have shared it They need to investigate the Himalayan Rift more deeplyTo know its details and which areas will be most affected initially.

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