Instagram: How to Limit the Time Spent on the Network

Instagram: How to Limit the Time Spent on the Network

Spending Too Much Time on Instagram?

Instagram is one of the most popular social media networks, with billions of users. It allows people from every corner of the world to share photos, videos, and stories. It boosts your creativity, it’s fun to use, and it has many unique features. But, there’s a downside. You can scroll for hours without having any clue on how much time you spent doing so. You wanted to check kenian new online casinos or call your best friend, but your attention was on the photo and video sharing app. Here, we will share some tips on how to reduce the use of this social network, along with the steps to set a daily time limit on the app. Let’s begin.

Tips for Reducing Use of Instagram

Anyone will agree that using Instagram is indeed fun, but if you notice that you have used it for hours, you need to take some action.

Focus on your hobbies or find a new interest – Perhaps you often complain that you don’t have time for your favorite hobby. Maybe that’s the case because you are scrolling through Instagram and other social networks. If you don’t have a hobby, consider finding one. It can be painting, writing, or gaming. In the opinion of Tony Sloterman – the Product Owner of Casino Bonuses Finder company, gaming helps you find the connection with your inner self.

No phone during meals – If you tend to use your phone when you are eating breakfast, lunch, or dinner, it’s time to change the habit. Simply put away your smartphone during meals. It’s a small thing that seems irrelevant, but it’ll help you transform your habits.

No phone in the bedroom or when you’re out with friends – If you keep your phone outside your bedroom, you’ll be doing yourself a huge favor. You won’t be scrolling before sleep or when you wake up. When you go out with your friends, leave the phone in your pocket or purse.

Small changes lead to big ones. By focusing more on yourself and your family and friends, you’ll spend less time on Instagram and other social networks.

How to Set a Daily Time Limit on Instagram App

The Instagram app allows you to set a daily time limit. For example, you set it for one hour. When the time is up, you’ll receive a notification as a reminder, so it’s a sign to put the phone down and stop scrolling. Here’s how to enable it:

  • Open Instagram on your smartphone
  • Tap on your profile photo
  • Now tap on the hamburger icon to access the menu
  • Select the option “Your Activity.”
  • Next, tap on “Time Spent.”
  • Tap on the option “Set daily time limit.”
  • Choose the time you find suitable
  • Finally, tap Done

Adjusting the daily time limit on the Instagram app is pretty simple. Follow these steps, and the reminder will be set in no time. Combine this useful feature with other tips shared above, and you’ll change your habits. You will continue to use your favorite social network, but without spending too much time scrolling around.

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