Interpol, looking for a Mexican to run a criminal network in Guatemala

Interpol, looking for a Mexican to run a criminal network in Guatemala

(San Jose – International Criminal Police Organization)Interpol. International PoliceThey launched a manhunt campaign against a Mexican, four Colombians, two Ecuadorians and Honduras, who, with official complicity, would have run a network of private pay-companies. BribesObtaining state contracts and laundering $ 11 million in government GuatemalaYesterday, judicial sources from that country confirmed.

The fugitive Mexican was identified by INTERPOL and the Public Ministry (deputy) From Guatemala Miguel Angel Hernandez ColorsAssociated with the company Petro Energy, SAAnd claimed by the Guatemalan judiciary in connection with the alleged active bribery in business with that country’s Ministry of Energy and Mines, the sources said.

Office of the Special Prosecutor against Impunity in Guatemala (disastrousHe identified Guatemalan Eric Archela, his country’s former Minister of Energy and Mines, as the leader of the alleged group structure criminal “High-profile” operations from 2012 to 2016. Archila, who is based in the United States, denied the allegations, but the prosecution revealed that the apparent irregularities with Bribes The financial benefits were acquired when he was a minister and chairman of the Board of Directors of the National Institute of Electricity (the state).

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With the “political power” he owned, Archila received unlawful kickbacks from private companies that granted him electrical work and other activities, Feci explained. Companies under investigation Petro energyAssociated with the Mexican; Edemtec, SA; Petén, S. de RL, H Hidro Xacbal, SA, I informed the Government of Guatemala.

Former Guatemalan officials from the Energy and Mines Corporation are also being investigated because they were middlemen in collecting the commissions.

Red Alerts have been issued by INTERPOL to request arrest before Active bribery Mexican-Colombians Juan Carlos Ortiz MutisAnd the Pablo Escobar peterAnd the Lewis Armando Cordoba Rodriguez s Manuel Jose Giacometto GomezFrom Ecuadorian Horacio Yepez Maldonado, Honduran Edwin Alberto Hernandez Roque.

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For active bribery and laundering of money or other assets, the request for arrest with a red alert is for Ecuadorian José Ernesto Páez Cruz. All eight have relationships with the four companies.

According to the official count, Archila turned to joint stock companies owned by the media and advertising for a strategic campaign and paid thousands of dollars to acquire artworks in Mexico.

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The minister’s intention at the time was to legalize illegal payments to preferred contractors and to obtain movable and immovable property for registration in the name of a criminal chain in which, apparently, several of his relatives participated.

“I strongly deny these accusations, as I have done in the past, and I will prove my innocence,” said Arcila, whose many properties were raided by Guatemalan authorities.

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