La Jornada – The decree to create a registry of mobile phone users is published in the Department of Finance

La Jornada – The decree to create a registry of mobile phone users is published in the Department of Finance

Mexico City. Just three days after the Senate generally approved the creation of a National Register of Mobile Phone Users, the Official Journal of the Federation (DOF) published the reform this Friday, with an evening release with just that content.

As stated in this newspaper, the aforementioned amendment forces 122 million mobile phone users to register their vital data, i.e. fingerprints and face, as well as iris.

The decree stipulated that the National Register of Mobile Phone Users will contain the following information on each mobile phone line: The mobile phone line number. The date and time of activation of the acquired mobile phone line on the SIM card and the full name or, if applicable, the username or company name.

Likewise, it will include data such as the nationality of the line owner; Your official identification number with a photo or unique population register code of the line carrier; The biometric data of the user and, where applicable, the legal representative of the legal entity; The user’s address and the data of the franchisee of communications or, where applicable, of the authorized persons.

Likewise, you will understand the mobile line contracting scheme, whether it is postpaid or prepaid, and the notifications that update the information referenced in this article.

“The registration of the mobile phone line number in the National Register of Mobile Phone Users will be mandatory for the user, who must provide an official identity and prove the address and biometric data, to activate the mobile phone line service. The decree adds the conditions of what is stated in this law and the general administrative provisions issued by the Federal Institute for Communications. (Ifetel).

To collect and enter information about identity, biometric data and the user’s address, as well as to provide the information that the national registry for mobile phone users will be integrated into, “digital means will be used and remote means are permitted, on the condition that guarantees the validity and integrity of the information.”

In the event the notice contains data that is misleading or inconsistent with entries in the National Register of Mobile Phone Users, Ifetel will warn the telecom franchisee or, where appropriate, the authorized person who provided the notice to implement the explanations in question, in accordance with the applicable administrative provisions.

“The federal government, through the Ministry of Communications and Transport, the Ministry of Security and Citizen Protection and the Federal Institute for Telecommunications, as well as telecommunications franchisees, must implement media campaigns and programs for their customers or users to encourage the obligation to immediately report the theft or loss of their cellular devices or their SIM cards, as well as To prevent identity theft and illegal use of mobile phone lines, as well as in cases of sale or transfer of a mobile phone line, “adds the text of the decree published in the Department of Finance.

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