Letruska’s Incredible Win at Apple Blossom | Sports

Letruska’s Incredible Win at Apple Blossom |  Sports

Imported champion in Mexico, Letroska defeated champion Monomoy Girl in the Apple Blossom Handicap Competition, which won a prize of $ 1 million, held Saturday afternoon in Oaklawn Park, Arkansas.

Letroska took the will of Ortiz Jr. as a rider who made the driving jewel on the one coached by Mexican Fausto Gutierrez for Quadra St George, which is owned by German businessman Larry Motta.

When the start was arranged, the Swiss Skydiver briefly developed the pace that propelled them to control, while Letruska recovered from a slightly uneven start to move to the lead as the group of six musketeers entered the first corner.

Meanwhile, Monomoy Girl, who made a very good start, was placed in third place very close to the leaders. And so the race was maintained from that moment on with three major races on paper that dominated the draw, with Letruska being the lead all along the long straight road.

But, when there was 500 meters left, Florent Giroud realized it was time to ask Monomoy Girl and letruska tied from the last quarter mile to go into the lead when entering the house straight away.

The Monomoy girl seemed to be moving away from the lead from between the neck to half the length against Letroska, even with 175 meters remaining, Ortiz Jr. changed his foot to the left hand, achieving a great reaction from his horse, who returned to the fight for victory and in the near end he won the nose and time 1 : 43.14 for 1700 meters.

Monomoy Girl came second, followed by Swiss skydiver, Khitridofuatiliso, and another broad and opportunity to shine. The fractions were: 23.56, 47.96: 1: 12.26 and 1: 36.91.

“The instruction was that we race speed. It started a bit slow in her last races, which is why I told Will (Ortiz Jr.) that it didn’t matter if that day happened that he tried to move and go ahead to set the speed until he forces others to think about what he should be doing. Gutierrez said.

“He has a magic hand. Not just this race. He does it all the time. When Monomoy Girl took the lead and saw that the Swiss Skydiver were falling behind, I thought the second was very good. But it started getting back in the race and I had to watch the final part.” In the reboot to make sure we won. “

“To me this is unbelievable because I came from a small racecourse in Mexico City. This mare started her career there and we had the confidence to bring her to the United States and she started to run better, better and better on different racetracks. She is very strong and this is the best result she achieved In its history so far, “notes Gutierrez, who has won several times in the Caribbean Horse Series on Mexico’s behalf.

That way, Letruska, the daughter of Magic Appeal’s Super Saver, by Successful Appeal, who grew up in Kentucky, had her thirteenth win in 18 starts. She was the winner of the Imported Invitation Cup in December 2019, and her next songs include the added classics Elegance, Chouf, Rampart, and Houston Ladies Classic.

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