Maduro says the commander of US Southern Command and the CIA had a plan to kill him

Maduro says the commander of US Southern Command and the CIA had a plan to kill him

Venezuela President, Nicolas MaduroIt was reported that the commander of the United States Southern Command, Admiral Craig Faller, and the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIAWilliam J. Burns, They have a plan to assassinate him.

“Our sources in Colombia assure us, and they are reliable, that[Valer and Burns]have come to attempt (in) a plan against my life and against the lives of important political and military leaders in Venezuela.”The president said during a promotion for officers of the armed forces broadcast by the Venezuelan state television channel (VTV).

According to Maduro, Vaaler and Burns recently visited Colombia and Brazil “to finish preparations for a violent plan once again.”

“That’s why I ask (…) is President (US) Joe Biden aware of Craig Faller and the Director of the CIA’s plans to assassinate me and the political and military leaders of Venezuela?”he added.

He also wondered if the US president had “authorized a plan” to assassinate him. “Political and military leaders are really important to Venezuela.”

Finally, Maduro considered that the act with the military was “Stage to tell” This complaint.

“If anyone can understand me, if anyone can understand our intelligence and information sources, you know that our intelligence sources are accurate, our sources of information, you know they are reliable.”, confirmed.

This Thursday, Maduro had already accused Valler and Burns of developing a “secret plan to harm” the Caribbean nation.

The Southern Command commander arrived in Colombia on June 20, the Colombian military posted on Twitter, “to strengthen multilateral action within the framework of international cooperation.”

On the 21st, the military forces reported, in the same social network, that Valer, together with the Colombian Deputy Minister of Defense for Strategy and Planning, Jairo Garcia, visited the municipality of Puerto Carreño on the border with Venezuela, “to check the capabilities in the struggle against transnational threats in the framework of cooperation the couple “.

Venezuelan Defense Minister Vladimir Padrino called Valer’s visit a “provocation” and “interference”.

With information from EFE.


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