Moscow: “The West’s military propaganda has been shamed and destroyed without a single shot being fired.”

Moscow: “The West’s military propaganda has been shamed and destroyed without a single shot being fired.”


Feb 15 2022 15:58 GMT

The comments from the Russian Foreign Ministry come in response to US media and officials setting a date for Russia’s alleged invasion of Ukraine.

After the official announcement of the withdrawal of Russian forces near the Ukrainian border, Russia insists that predictions that the country may be on the verge of a full-scale invasion have been proven wrong.

In a strongly worded statement on Tuesday, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova strongly criticized reports and claims by US and European officials that the Russian armed forces would begin about hours to launch such an attack on its neighbor.

February 15, 2022 will go down in history as the day Western military propaganda failed. They were disgraced and destroyed without a single shot being fired.“, books The diplomatic representative in your Telegram account.

Meanwhile, the Russian Defense Ministry announced that a number of the country’s soldiers have completed their training in Belarus, near the Ukrainian border, and will begin the process of withdrawal.

Zagarova’s comments come after US media Bloomberg report to Last Saturday, citing unidentified official sources, that The attack on Ukraine could actually happen on Tuesday. The agency stressed that any possible attack could include provocation, either in the Donbass region or against Kiev.

US National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan stated in a conversation with CNN this weekend that based on his “sources” and “intelligence”A major military action “could” start now any dayThis includes the week before the end of the Beijing 2022 Olympics, he added.

Tensions have risen on the Russian-Ukrainian border in recent months. During that time, the West was warning of Moscow’s alleged plans to launch an invasion. However, the Kremlin has repeatedly insisted that it has no aggressive intentions and accused the English-language media of causing mass “hysteria”.

In this context, Russia demanded security guarantees that would limit NATO’s expansion towards its borders and prevent Ukraine from entering the military alliance. However, the bloc’s Secretary General, Jens Stoltenberg, declared that Russia “has no veto” over Kiev’s desire to secure its membership.

On Monday, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov stressed that his country is disappointed with the response of NATO and the United States, but there is still hope for a diplomatic solution.

Today, during a conference that followed the statements of Zakharova, Lavrov comparison Western reports of an imminent invasion with “information terrorism”.

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